PS3 Sales is Dying

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Jun 9, 2008
I'm a ps3 owner and its startin to get annoyin that 360 is stealing away the good games, they are getting better exclusives. the ps3 is the better system, tech wise.Sales on the ps3 are still droping. is it becuase of the high price 399 for 80gb vs 399 for 120gb 360. ok i think is price factor cuz the 360 started off cheaper, lol even the rrod didnt kill 360 sales. oo look like ppl are cheap cuz look at the wii sales wickly high. i bought a wii and it was like soo childish, im not disin the wii owner's but it wasnt too hardcore for me, games were oriented around 10 year old's soo lol im too old. i sold it and made double profit bought for 250 sold for 450, ok not double. but ya you wanna hear the sad part, ps2, thats right ps2 sales are currently higher than ps3 sale, wtf is that. lol neways i got my psp, if things get really bad i might buy and elite.

oo i was sleep while postin this :p
Huh thats not something you see everyday. How could ps2 be selling that much lol. Yeah i play a ps3 once lol I find it is pretty good, doesn't it have bluray i woulda buy it for da if i coulda afford it lol . Watever man i guess is really a price thing
What i've learned is that it doesn't matter how "high spec" your product is..It all comes down to the software available.. One thing the Xbox 360 has over the Ps3 is "bang for buck" factor. Its cheaper than the ps3 and has bad-ass games available. Plus alot of previously "Playstation" exclusives are finding their way to the 360. E.g. Final Fantasy XIII amongst others... So the first thing sony has to do is lower their price to compete with the 360 as well as come out with some wicked exclusives. e.g. Resistance: Fall of Man... Plus the 360 had a full year's head start. Sony has their work cut out for them.
I bought a ps3 for 1 game GT 5. lol, im a hard core fan of the Gran Turismo series and blu ray. i still goin wit ppl cheap. lol. Iron Man on blu ray looked way better than cine
yoo i just read some intersting things in japan ppl play the ps1 more that the ps3 damnn!!!. u would think the 360 did better ... lol wrongggg. its like way behing lol. check out the full story here its not like a total nationwide survey but its pretty funny lol