Pregnant Woman Killed

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Senior Marketing Officer
Staff member
Jun 9, 2008
Nah U See This Shit! I Real Fedup and Disgusted With My Country..I Just Feeling To Go Away And Never Come Back Here Again. I Hate the Damn Government..Hate some of the People, Hate the environment the Faggit Criminals Have Made for us ..i jus really feeling to kill them criminals if i get them and torture them personally with no remorse or regret and feed their body to animals...

You know what happened today? Yes a killing of a mother in bloom, mother that is waiting for her unborn child to hold it in her arms and nuture and love. But you know what happened..robbery! Masked men Held up a house in Enterprise and robbed two brothers and then tied up the woman, their sister who is 7 DAMN MONTHS PREGNANT and slit her throat and i think raped her and then throwed BOTH LIFELESS BODIES INTO THE DRAIN WITH HER NAKED...what this world getting to? How do you think i as a woman feel right now! It does not MATTER IF THE MEN WERE INTO SOMETHING BUT DON'T HURT THE LADY...She is pregnant for god sake! an innocent life! i tell you how do many feel right now to bring children into this dirty, filthy world....i hate trinidad once more and will leave with no looking back if i have children and they are being threatened
Re: Pregnant Woman kill_ed

Reading stuff like this is so heart breaking....these people have no conscience. I understand your anger and I feel the same way. These criminals should be prosecuted the same way they commit their crimes. When people behave this way they don't deserve civil rights.
Re: Pregnant Woman kill_ed

Oh My God!!! I haven't read this or seen this. Like i said, i don't follow the news. It's too depressing. And its stories like this that keeps me away. This is so disheartening to hear. I could understand the anger and emotion that people will feel as a result. Its like we trapped in a dimension of helpless-ness. In a world were f*&king animals like those who did this are free to commit such horrific crimes and get away scotch free. They have no respect for the law..for human life.. I totally agree with TFM. Treat them the same way they behave. Restrict their civil rights. They don't deserve it. There's nothing "civil" about what they have done. They, and others like them disgust me to my very f*&king core. I can't even begin to justly epress the way i feel when I learn of things like this...
Re: Pregnant Woman kill_ed

I tell you i am really getting to hate the country and i feel so disgusted ..I tell you if there is any threat to my loved ones i will indeed flee from here and live somewhere else where i know my future children or family members are safe. Yes i know crime is everywhere but alteast i will be in a safer environment than here where the trini mentality is getting to everyone's heads
Re: Pregnant Woman kill_ed

The sad thing is, probably you're in a financial position to migrate to another country. most victims are not so fortunate. Hell, i not financially able to migrate. So what am I or others to do? We have to stay and deal with it. Sad but true.
Re: Pregnant Woman kill_ed

I'm not ...but you know what i'll try yes...try to even stay in a gated community in trini or something..even there doesn't be safe but atleast there is cameras and guards
Re: Pregnant Woman kill_ed

For some one to rape and kill a pregnant woman is beyond me, how can some one even do such a thing, a mother an unborn baby hmmmmm. This is the worst ever people take care of you loved ones because no one cares in this country not the police not the government not even your friend.
Re: Pregnant Woman kill_ed

Im no detective but killing a pregnant lady is like dem criminals had a serious matter with them... Why do that to someone ... She must had know them.... But those guys have no kinda heart .... How can u watch a pregnant woman and rape her...Thats jus torturement... Where is the blimp when u need it...
Re: Pregnant Woman kill_ed

I really do not know but it looked like a spiteful scene where because the boys had no kind of money to give them so they raped her