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Staff member
Jan 23, 2008
I take this word PORNOGRAPHY very seriously, People tend to believe that PORNOGRAPHY is mainly about adults having sex filmed on medias. Today i say to you all that is wrong PORNOGRAPHY happens also in adolescence and in pre teens, Its very disturbing i know. How is it that a big man or a woman can make or watch child PORNOGRAPHY material, do you know how it come about. People kidnap young children and force them to have sex with older men numerous about of times, how can see a 8 year old making out with a dog and feel good about that i just want to know.

What i want people to understand is that PORNOGRAPHY is defined as
Pornography is the ‘explicit representation of sexual activity in literature, films, etc, to stimulate erotic rather than aesthetic or emotional feelings.’ The following advice and help refers only to heterosexual pornography - that is men looking at women and, more rarely, women looking at men.

Also you must also know this that pornography
1. shows women as mere physical objects and focuses on their breasts and sex organs
2. does not even try to show other ways in which a woman can be attractive, eg. character, intelligence, humour
3. shows sex as the only important thing in a relationship between a man and a woman;
4. cannot substitute for long-term love and commitment. It produces short-lived thrills and does nothing to develop a loving sexual relationship.

From now on people don't think that pornography is pleasurable enjoyable material, think of it as Yound children being molested, raped, kidnapped, to make these things.

Reason why i hate all of those local porn site in T&T they are doing nothing but making Trinidad & Tobago worst, And you all are just supporting them.
dan, you shouldn't ah use dat headline. When i got d email, I was like "WTF he supporting children watchin porn?" Then I had to read d whole ting to see what u actually meant.

But yeah I hear yuh, dat is why triniwarez don't have a porn section, it degrades women, the site and the people that use it.

Shame on those ppl.......

p.s.: as per d next email about ppl not bein active, I cah be active right now, CAPE start frank....and although failure is on d horizon, I still hadda try a ting.
Yup if you really look at the alexa ranking 2/3 of the sites are porn site, its so sickening to see people going to these sites, even if this site has a adult section its not for porn related topics its about topics that is a little rated. People own sisters and females in their family are being raped and they care less, when people support porn sites you are degrading women, your own sister, your mother, and encouraging people to turn into sex toys, because that how they are portrayed in the films .

ITs not a problem snowmanrene, hope after the exams things are different
Talk about it i was lookin for fan based fiction for one of my favourite tv shows and all i saw was porn stories.. WTF! Since when all fan fiction is porn.. not even one normal story for crying out loud. Lets face it society is perverse.. its in peoples nature to be obessesd with and addicted to sex. Its so much easier for them to do stuff related to it than to say.. help the poor or even themselves... its sad..
dude if i hadn't read the entire email i wasn't going to come back on this site, but i agree porn degrades woman and degrades the person watching it, it gives people the wrong meaning of love between man and woman,

and yea i cant make it on for sometime cxc is in 2 weeks so have to study
Today more than 1000 children under the age of 12 years are being sexually abused and forced into pornography every 5 mins in The USA alone, Trinidad and Tobago including the Caribbean is not too backward. I hate this phase that big men are using after 12 is lunch wtf wrong with people. Thats just nasty and for people to say that they have no bloody shame
u eh hear nuttin yet, dese are a few i've heard big men say b4;


after nine is mine
after six is licks
once dey cud crawl, dey cud bawl
Na dude thats real sad, and this is the kinda of things that alot of young people are hearing from Big hard back men, they will say that its ok to have sex with underage girls and they will do it, by force because they are being taught the wrong things
i cannot tell you how disturbed i am to know these things are happening in our country and is like people love it cuz they promoting it.. i hate them big nasty men and women who does only think about these things and shame us down. Keep it in the bedroom and no where else stop fornication cuz its a sin , love and respect others cuz for people who does look at pron doesnt have for their self
Re: Por-no_graphy IS NOT ONLY ADULTS

Everythin is explicit these days...even songs and advertisements on the radio ...that modernity and we are adopting the lifestyle i could remember the says when that was considered disrespectful