Porn at Schools

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Staff member
Jan 23, 2008
I know we have discuss this on before but a new site new members lol
This is what our schools have degenerated into.....

Secondary school students are selling sexually explicit footage of themselves for as little as $5.

The fee is paid first, then raunchy sex videos involving the students engaging in sex acts in the classroom are transferred to the customer via cellphone bluetooth.

This was revealed at a seminar on juvenile delinquency yesterday at the Faculty of Social Sciences Lounge at the University of the West Indies, St Augustine.

Head of the Unit for Social Problem Analysis and Policy Dr Daphne Phillips said it was poverty-stricken students who made the pornography to sell in order to take care of their families.

Phillips said a study was conducted by her unit to expose the “real life conditions and experiences” of children.

Fourteen junior secondary schools were randomly selected for the study and the principal from each school chose one Form Three class as the focus.

According to Phillips, the classes then held group discussions with her unit as a main data collection tool.

“We didn’t moralise them...we encouraged them to talk,” Phillips said.

The students—most of whom came from single parent families—revealed the abuses which they endured.

Phillips said pornography was prevalent in the more urban schools, whereas students from rural schools preferred other means such as stealing fruits to sell in order to make money.

Phillips said they found that in one case a student claimed to have stolen a child to make money.

The findings of the study drew a link between violence and broken homes, and were intended to inform the policy makers in society so adjustments could be made to existing policies.

“Policies before were not really evidence-based...The unit tries to bridge the gap between policy-making and evidence,” Phillips said.

A proposal, Phillips said, would then be drafted and submitted to the Government ministries suggesting amendments to “build adequate social policy.”

Team member David Balfour presented the experiences of some of the students that were documented.

Presented exactly in the vernacular spoken by the students, a series of issues were highlighted.

Calls to Education Minister Esther Le Gendre’s cellphone were not returned up to late yesterday.

TTUTA responds:

In an immediate response to the study’s findings yesterday, general secretary of the T&T Unified Teacher’s Association (TTUTA) Peter Wilson said he was not familiar with the study, but acknowledged that it was a cause for concern. He said the Education Ministry had a Student Support Services Unit which could deal with social issues such as pornography in schools.

Wilson blamed the situation on poor parenting and a general breakdown in society.

Some responses by students to situations at home:

Some parents treated the girls like “housewives.”
Parents arrive home late, without helping their children with their homework.
Excessive abuse and cursing.
Parents go to “passa passa” fetes and leave their children unattended. Likewise, some parents take their children to passa passa and leave them to fend for themselves in the party.
Fathers, as well as mothers, sexually abuse their children.
Brothers have sex with their sisters.
Some situations in schools:

Teachers “sweet talk” and touch students.
Teachers videotape students to make porn.
Students make porn and sell from $5-$20 to help support their families.
Re: p-o-r-n at schools

Oh geed that jus wrong. The adult entertainment industry is one of the largest at for crying out loud these people aren't adult! what the hell going on.. I in shock here.. cant think to say nothing. real disgustin.. and for money.. not curiosity or slackness.. it jus wrong.
Re: p-o-r-n at Schools

I Know some of these come from broken homes are families. I know its wrong, hell yeah but to them they think of it as the only way to survive but not these terrible things.How bout a weekend job or selling little things in school? But not all is povery-stricken families..some are just rich and feel they pretty and wanna make porn just so..some are just natrually wild