Poor service at Southern Sales


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Active Member
Nov 13, 2014
Has anyone else found the after sales service of Southern Sales when purchasing a new Kia appalling?

Apparently when youve spent over a quarter million dollars for a new car you have to wait at least 5 months for your appointment for servicing.
Any issues with the vehicle after purchase such as knocks and rattles are dismissed and ignored.

Sometimes the during sale service is terrible and the sales reps dont even bother with you.

What has been your experience with Kia , Trinidad and Tobago?
Waw..it's not big news i have heard. My brother's car took 3 months to fix after a truck ran into his car 4 years ago. It was parked up taking hot sun and rain. When he finally got it back , his jack was stolen from the car. The service is alot of money too. We have alot of Kia vehicles and we personally learn to service them ourselves or get a reputable mechanic to do the job.

There was a post circulating over facebook about Southern Sales. I don't know how true but it's where a guy bought a car out of their showroom but the day when he went to pick it up , the interior was different and some small things. The man paid the price of a deluxe but got the stock version. Guess what? He got no refunds.
That man should have taken legal action against Kia. It doesnt surprise me to hear of such a story. Ive seen crashed car parked up in the rain at Massy rusting away. I always wonder if the repairs are properly done and the rust is inhibited.

The problem with servicing is when your car is brand new to preserve the warranty you have to service at Kia directly or else you lose it.

I personally do everything myself and if I dont have the time to do it I take it to a reputable mechanic. Dealers just want your money and that's it.
That's the catch! The Warranty eh? Dealers are all about making money. Have you ever seen the price they are calling for Used Cars in their Old South Branch? All the Euro vehicles are wayy over priced for used. Might come out better if you import them yourself.
I never watched their used car prices as i know it would be comparable to buying almost two of that same used car.
Truthfully i often wonder even though they say warranty will they actually honor their claim unless someone threatens legal action or writes to Korea and complains.

You always come out the cheapest importing yourself but you also face the risk and the stress if you buy a used car without seeing it first.
True! So far i never saw a complaint about bringing down a car and something was wrong with it . I know people who brought down their vehicles . They rather spend the money to fix the minor stuff
True! So far i never saw a complaint about bringing down a car and something was wrong with it . I know people who brought down their vehicles . They rather spend the money to fix the minor stuff
Sometimes there are problems if it's not hand picked by a trustworthy person from the country of origin but all the minor issues are easily remedied especially if one is handy it can be done and still be under the local market price.
Even if you don't want to do the back and forth to get the vehicle on the road once landed, brokers can handle that for a fee.
Oh its not good for your vehicle to get a poor service.Please take your car to safer place for service.Its very important for the performance and reliability of your car.