Polished Aluminum Wheels


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Active Member
Nov 13, 2014
I recently took out a set of 2008 16x7 Hilux SR5 wheels from its resting place. Sadly, it came to my attention that the wheels had a lot of corrosion on the face of the spokes. After discussion with someone who had done the process before, I decided to try my hand at chemically stripping the powder coating, sanding and polishing the aluminum surface to a shine. I do believe I have something pretty to show you now:

Yes I do have the center caps, they're being restored as well.

For any who is curious: Autosol was used for the initial cutting polish since I did not have access to aluminum compound. After this, I finished up with Meguiar's All Metal Polish on the dremel between the spokes. A 0000 super fine steel wool was used to even off the surface afterwards which left it with a pretty shiny, raw aluminum look between the spokes.

The face of the spokes were done with a rotary and a foam pad. Not bad for a budget job I think.
how you manage to pull out the old set...looks like you was bored again lol
Bored is not even an option these days nah boy. Due for tires in a few months time, decide to go with something that has some side wall and less weight. Makes much more sense for me with a decent A/T fitted.

Each one of those wheels take a week to do with a 2 hours here and there. Is a good stress reliever.
Lol personally I like these a lot more in bare aluminum than the wheels on there right now, it should be a different look with a lot of functionality :car:
Lmao boy all d time is worry. Hear d best one, I see a man selling d 17s from a 2010 and idk how with a big 265/70 tire on d rim, d rim still had curb rash. Either he take that through some serious off road or it have some dread curb in Trinidad lol.
lol the alloys was built to take the licks ahahaha he doh mind if was chrome he would ha be feeling sick lmao
Lmao these wheels actually weigh a lot less than Kia 17s... I was real surprised to find that seeing as they meant to carry load too.
Lol hmmm interesting so what you going any put A/T on them and make d van look rugged incase you ever feel to do light off roading?
Firestone Destination A/T in 265/70/16. It goes in sand/light mud almost daily anyway so why not
It use to do that with chrome on it I know men and them once chrome on the vehicle is precaution not even a small pot hole
Lmao I does carry d chrome down in d mud I doh business nah. People does be watching like what d hell when I pass by and mud flying out lmao.