Police brutality in Trinidad and Tobago


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Staff member
Jan 23, 2008
Its not no lie and its not a movie its reality to this day the same people who took the oath to "protect and to serve" are the same people abusing their privilege and their power. More than 60% of the police service officers either take bribe, beat up innocent people or steal.
The same people who should be upholding the law are breaking the laws so when you decide to report a crime the police now ah days deems it as a joke and cares less about the matter.
Why is it that the commissioner of police is not making it his number 1. parity to charge and address the criminal activities that is happening in the police service.

What i believe that will stop criminal activities in the police service is for every 2 or 3 years let every police officer under go a polygraph test and ask them questions about bribe and criminal activities during the police service
yep i feel that would help some officers get caught up by me and doing sometime in prison bcuz they used to breat up innocents and take away their money and jewellery ..i felt so happy atleast some got justice
Corruption exist every where, and is very much alive in the police service. Mostly because there isn't any institution monitoring individuals or monthly or yearly evaluations. It's a free for all. If anybody get caught, it was because they were careless, not that they were investigated. Things easy in Trinidad.
Someone can tell me Why are officers beating people that breaking curfews. i know that they are breaking the law but come on man do you have to BEAT them!!
Corrupt police officers are the worst human beings in our society.

They are in charge of our safeties, if they do not do their jobs well then it is not good.
some level minded thinking individuals become power abusing tyrants after being handed the mantle of power! so how do we separate the goats from the sheep? i am wondering if police officers go through psychiatric testing and how often are they done?
I think a lot of police officers are not fit for their jobs. They should be identified and they should be fired right away. These unfit police officers are dangers to our society.