
“We need to buck up in Trinidad and Tobago and stop making excuses for wrong doing.”
This was the advice given by Prime Minister Dr Keith Rowley as he delivered the feature address yesterday at the official opening of the newly built Carenage Fishing Centre on the Western Main Road.
Before residents of Carenage and a large group of his cabinet ministers in attendance, Rowley said if the people of Carenage had not voted the PNM back into office in 2015, the centre would not have been completed.
Rowley was making reference to the lengthy nine years the PNM-initiated project took to complete.
In chronicling the events that consistently stalled work on the centre, he pointed out it was a deliberate move by the Kamla Persad-Bissessar-led administration to neglect the project and the people of the Carenage community.
He further noted that the Udecott-built fishing centre was a prime example of the misuse, abuse, and misconduct of public office.
“As I talk about the conduct of people who act in trust and ought to act in trust, this facility represents the worst of public misbehaviour where trust is concerned,” said Rowley.
“During the five-year period 2010-2015, when this project had already been almost two years old, nothing that I or we in our side could do, could get the government of the day to come to this site and to conclude this project for the people of Trinidad and Tobago, particularly, the people of Carenage.”
He accused the then government of having a pattern of deliberate neglect, which he says; no government in T&T should be accused of.
“It was this facility, the community centre in Bagatelle, the sporting complex in Diego Martin and the school on the hill.”