Please check out the beta promotional video

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Staff member
Jan 23, 2008
Please check out the beta promotional video for TriniMotors, Its short But i need some ideas on what to add.


Like out TriniMotors Youtube Page
haha this looks pretty cool! nice start , in my opinion , it could use a little information about the Forum itself, as well as some of the features of the forum to encourage people to join in ... other than that its a great starting , the animations are funny as well lol
Thanks i did that within 10 mins, write some short slides for me and post it here so i can make it now.
Really kool man. Looks very professional like a tv add. Will think of somethings later and post it on
This is awesome..will share it to many as i can. What's catchy about it is the animations. i really love it ..kool !
More Videos come soon we are in the process of creating alot more and will be uploading them soon on youtube.
The video is cool, however I believe the aim of Trinimotors should aim for being more than just cool. Essentially you are doing a video with the aim of promoting the product and brand of "Trinimotors". The idea of total local is redundant because the name "Trini" already implies such. The video also duplicates two slides. Just my 2 cents.
Yes thanks for you input, its a beta video so all the input we get we will consider it.
Our newest Video, hope you guys like it. Please like the video and share it.
