Phone Problems

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Senior Marketing Officer
Staff member
Jun 9, 2008
Hey Everyone here has cell phones i want to know if you all have this problem. Has anyone ever feel like their phone ringing or vibrating and when you look at your phone it's not. like i hearing things. long time i used to hear it now is like 5times for the day i swear it vibrating and when i look it not . anyone has this ?
Phantom vibrations? Yeah it happens alot. Especially when I'm travelling. The vibrations of the taxi fools me alot. It's not really a phone problem.. :p It's your brain.. lol. You must be expecting calls alot.. It's completely normal. It's probably a form of expectation bias.. nothing to worry about.
lol...its just as raucous're feelin vibrations from things around you....i thought i was going mad but i recognised that when ppl are talkin around me i feel vibrations from surfaces....
i feel yuh wishin yuh fone ring, yuh just want someone to call u, hopein so hard yuh imagining it vibrating!!! lol :evil:
I use to hear my phone ringing and when i look , it was nothing... I guess the song in my head..
u kno...ive neva actually had dat prob, but i hav had a prob where i would get a call frm a friend, askin me & talkin 2 me bout sumthin dat they sent me through text, but i hav 2 sumtimez tell them i neva got there text & i had 2 read it frm their fone or sumthin...but them i would get da text they were talkin bout a few dayz later, afta we talked bout it already...
ah had fone prob for ah while now but gd news ah got ah new one yesterday from someone special!!! :Yea:
Well my mee-2 samsung playin de a$$ for weeks now.. voice calls are terrible and the phones responds very slow to user commands.. Sometimes you press de hang up button and the phone still connected to the call.. and de timer running still.. you know how a computer operates when it crashes? nothin responds? Well that what I go through.. need a new one but de one I want, I cyah afford right now.. who wanna buy a Samsung Star for me?
ah kno someone wash dey phone accidentally...any answers hot to save or fix dis....dats ah rel ph prob eh....