Pet Peeve?

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Jun 9, 2008
A pet peeve or pet hate is a minor annoyance that an individual identifies as particularly annoying to himself or herself, to a greater degree than others may find it. It can also be a 'deal breaker' for opposite sexes. What are some of your pet peeves?

My first biggest pet peeve is hygiene especially dealing with the mouth area. I am very paticular and strict about Mouth hygiene as my parents grew us up to always brush our teeth mornings, after lunch or gargle lysterine if we can, after we wake up from naps and in the night time also floss after meals. We were also taught that if we didn't want to wear false teeth at an early age and gross people out then start taking responsibility for our mouths . It's part of our face, what we use to talk and eat food and thus everyone see's it.

So my pet peeve is people who talk and have white coatings on their tounge, food stuck in their teeth , yellow uncleaned teeth, plaque stick up between their teeth and ultimately bad breath.
I certainly have some! One pet peeve I have is sexism. I've met a lot of seemingly great people that I thought I would have great friendships with and once they started discussing sexist things I was totally turned off! I've even been on interviews and met professionals that insulted their spouses and members of that gender for not filling their backwards ideals. I was taught in elementary school that if you have a dream, it is truly possible to be achieved through hard work and dedication, not granted or dismissed based on what's in your pants. It is one the biggest things that seriously pisses me off!

Oral hygiene I totally get! I can understand that certain medical conditions or other poor states of health can lead to symptoms of bad oral hygiene, but for those who have a choice and can make a conscious effort to take care of their teeth and choose not to, it literally makes me step back a bit and can be quite distracting eg thick yellow build up of plaque and severe halitosis.
Sexism i totally understand. Especially from religious people of what women can and cannot do but men can have it all ! I hate how they say "Women were made for bearing children and raising them only" does that mean! Just because a women have ovaries and capability to create a child , does she HAVE TO? No ! And that's one of the things that society cannot understand today !
OMG I could totally rant on that sexism thing. The thing is, others feel entitled to their opinions and I'm fine with that. When they start forcing their beliefs on me I take issue. A lot of sexist people are all talk about how people should cater to their specific ideals of long ago, but when you open your mouth in response they wanna get vex, offended, etc. and you're not supposed to have an opinion too. To each his own; they live their lives and let people make their own choices, they'll get the same respect. I do voice my opinions in defense of others, but really avoid putting down others, discrimination, etc. From my experience on job interviews alone I get the impression that this is a mostly misogynistic society and you are punished for not trying to please sexist people.

Another: People not caring for other people's belongings, and borrowing and failing to care for and/or return items. I know someone that lent a friend a new, never worn pair of shoes.....4 years ago lol never returned or spoke of again. I lent someone the first book to my favorite series 2 years ago and have yet to get it back. I stressed to the person that it was my favorite, was my first gift from someone, a birthday gift, and meant the world to me. They sounded excited to get it but I sent only one through a mutual friend. Asked a month later if they were finished, they said they didn't even pick it up to read yet. Never heard from them again! Had the friend call them to ask for it last year, was told they would send it through their parent at a closer location for pick up, no further communication to the friend from them since! See why people have to be stingy with their things? I've wanted to lend people books etc since and am now too worried about a repeat experience so I don't. Stinginess for it!
Pet Peeve: message someone with good intentions and they reply "ok, yeah, cool".... One word replies till you get fed up and blank them.
When people say "it's all in the past/forget it, that was then" etc. Goes hand in hand with the "forgiveness is easier than asking for permission" IMO. If you know it's wrong/will hurt someone, don't do it. If you do it, you can't magic it away with cliched statements.
True, there needs to be a period where the person owns up to their errors.
When people bring up everything you did in the past just to make a point but if you bring up theirs, all hell bakes loose.

So its okay for you to bring up my demons , but not yours ? How are you better than me ?
With the past, I think people should accept responsibility for what they've done but it applies to everyone involved. A lot of people know that they're doing something wrong and try to make others feel guilty for being hurt by those things and/or having a problem with it by sweeping it under the rug as the past, free to do it again and again. Owning up to our mistakes and learning from them is a better way to move forward than to pretend it didn't happen. Being singled out for only your mistakes while others deem themselves flawless though, is not okay in my book either.

Also, people interfering with your belongings etc. without your knowledge or consent and not wanting to be held accountable when things go missing, get broken, or thrown out etc.
When people start that with me I let go my leash and tell them as it is. I don't tolerate nonsense and people should realise that fair is only fair. X and Y happened in Z year, it is no longer Z year and you probably moved on and learned from X and Y. No need to bring it up to prove a point unless its something major happening.

People cannot interfere with my stuff either, I'm very careful and particular with how i care for my stuff and other people will not necessarily consider this before touching.
I've been around people that attacked others etc. and then called the victim crazy and full of hate for being afraid of them later, insisting it's all in the past. I don't feel comfortable around people like that, I don't care how long ago its been. It doesn't have to be someone I care about; to have that mentality to treat someone like that with no remorse, acknowledgement of their "wrong"/illegal activity, or not owning up to their actions with statements ranging from "I never do that!" to "well she/he exaggerating, twisting my words, putting actions out of context," etc. means that they are likely to do the same actions again and react the same way and I'm not sticking around to be their next target to see what it feels like to get on their bad side.

Man, I've met a lot of people that feel they're entitled to do what they want with anything they see. I avoid people with such tendencies because I've lost too many valuable things to their imposing carelessness.

I think bad customer service is a big one but I think that's pretty standard pet peeve with a lot of people lol
Bad customer servers generallly dont say much when they see my expression lol. The ones that do I usually write about the poor service because chances are management on site arent much better.
True, not everyone follows the "the customer is always right adage". A lot of places seem to think we're paying them for an attitude and incorrect orders.

Another: Not getting my size when I go shopping. I don't shop often and I'm very picky so it's always disappointing to hear limited sizing is available. I actually have clothing in my closet I bought out of desperation, thinking I'll take it to be altered eventually, and it has been stuck haunting my closet since lol
I have problems to get shoes. I wear size 14 and almost nowhere has great variety but thankfully I dont fuss too much about shoes.
I can usually get my shoe size but not in the simple designs I like. I'm not into the bright colorful styles lol