Pedal Covers

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Active Member
Nov 13, 2014
Hey guys, I know pedal covers are usually accessories but my brake rubber pedal is slightly warn so I figured it was alright to post here.

I have used 2 sets of pedal covers which are generic fitment. They use brackets around the edges to fasten to the pedals themselves. I have a problem with both brake pedal covers bending. I did not take the factory brake pedal rubber off as it would have been too thin for the pedal cover to hold on the metal alone. The pedal covers on the brake pedal seem to bend toward the bottom at a steep angle after a few months of usage and I'm really not sure what else I can do.

I priced out the OEM aluminum pedals but those are $125usd online and I really don't foresee myself spending that much on pedals. I have used some "Type R" metal cover which looked really cool as it mimicked brushed aluminum but it bent badly on the brake. I then tried a smaller "GTR500" cover which was blue and looked really nice but the problem with both sets is that they were too thin and bent easily(The gtr500 set is only 4 months old and started bending after 2 months) plus they were generic fit which extended quite a bit beyond the actual pedal which I believe led to the bending.

So my question is: what is a good set of pedal covers that will fit well on the modern brake and gas pedal without bending? My brake pedal rubber is very small and my gas pedal isn't much bigger.

If anyone knows what kits are direct fit for the Hilux/Vigo that would be very appreciated as well.