Patrick Manning turns 68 today

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Jul 23, 2014
Not that it would change the price of bread - but Happy Birthday Patos ! Manning, who was born in 1946, is the longest-serving parliamentarian in this country, having entered politics at age 24.
That's great to know, I could remember the days of the silver fox and manning such great days. I will him all the Bess and hopes he's well.
Happy Belated Patos. I still find its time for him to leave it alone. Stay home and relax. Let the youth have a chance.
HBB Mr. Manning. Time to relax and enjoy life now and leave it up to the future generation to take over. With all the health issues, he should take a step back and focus on life
the former prime minister Patrick Manning said he was declining the award of the nation?s highest honour,...the Order of The Republic of Trinidad and Tobago,...announced by Prime Minister Kamla Persad-Bissessar....after about 43 years of service to his country...he should take this award...dont wait until ppl dies an then want to make a statue of them.....wats alyuh views on this...
The way I see it, he would just be receiving an award for doing his job, which he was paid for. We all have jobs. The reward is pay, whether it be daily, weekly, monthly or a contractual agreement.
What has he done that has been so significant within his tenure as PM and as a member of cabinet?
I agree with his principled denial. Protocol and procedure was never followed so accepting would only condone the inadequacies shown by the PM. Due diligence and due process should always take precedence in such matters instead of "whim and fancy" judgments and announcements
LOL he said that Kamla bad mouthed him on public platform but he also did as well. It's political "mud slinging" . I think that these awards is just a show because election coming up....figures!
yea is ah election ting. ' i giving he ah award so dey population go see is ah love and vote for we'.
Something along those lines is what i sensing. Regardless, proper protocol was not adhered to. manning said he learnt of this on Facebook.
When someone is nominated or going to receive an award, isn't the awardee/nominee supposed to be contacted before hand?
Yes they have to be contacted before hand for the person to accept/decline the award and then announce it