Partick Only Cares about himself!

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Jun 9, 2008
Patrick Manning spent 3million dollars on drapes for his house! Okay u tell me thats our money gone down the drain cud he spen so much for drapes wham it have gold in it or wah? why he cudn't SACRIFICE LIKE HOW NEARLY ALL OF US IN THIS COUNTRY DOES HAVE TO? Why cudn't he use it for the better of our country so much roads need fixing etc why eh?

when the little something month old baby girl name morissa who had the rare liver disease and need surgery came to the gov't and asked them for help u know what they said! they told her if they helped her other people would use it to their advantage and ask for money too! it is rare how can u not help the little girl a baby girl? don't they have daughters or nieces? Them is responsible for her death..them cudda help her she only needed 1 million and our country wudn't mind .but no they left her to suffer ....BUT PATRICK CUD FIND THE MONEY TO SPEND 3M ON CURTAINS INSTEAD FOR SAVING A LIFE ! YEAH MAN THIS COUNTRY JUS F UP
Patrick Only Cares about himself

Ey the man havin obama visiting the residence you cant have no two dollar drapes lol.
You make it sound so simple for him to just take money and dish out but the system just wont allow that. You'd be surprised how much it takes to pass funding for certain things and how easy it is to do for the superficial things. I dont see how manning dishing out money to everyone who complains would make anything better. It lowers the ingenuity of the people if the get they belly full of cash every time they get a papercut. If people in trinidad prefered to do stuff themselves we'd never have potholes or broken bridges or certain instances of crime. As long as we insist on passing blame to the overlords nothing will ever be done. Think about it the amount of time energy and manhours spent on your active protest could possibly be used to complete a simple road paving. the collective money wasted on the average protest could be used to buy enough materials to at least start whatever project they protesting for anyway.
The thing is if manning really is an evil bastard he doesn't really care what you think and complaining really wont have effect on him. You're just making yourself sick by thinking so much of this.. and manning isn't affected.
I dunno de man so i dunno he mind.. but it certainly aint affecting my sleep at night.
Yes but u not getting the point yes oh great obama coming but why 3million dollars....why put up the wall of shame now..why he cudn't do all them things before...why he have to wait now for..because he shame?
I agree with both Raucous and and Ariyah on particular points. Lemme explain. I can fully understand wher Ariyah is comin from in terms of the little girl needing funds to live and be declined yet de spendin millions of curtains. I support her in that point. But I also agree with Raucous. He explains the situation well. Also the point he made about people helping themselves..But where i do disagree with Raucous is that if the "overlords" will only listen to the needs of the people and act on resolving or helpin to resolve those needs, then the people will have no reason to protest.. If you listen to the complaints of the protesters you will learn that they have been beggin for months to get that same "road" paved..or that "drain" fixed etc. If the "overlords" had even say hear what..we givin alyuh this or that..alyuh cud at least start to do something...I am 100% sure there wud be a decline in the amount of protests takin place. While I do agree with Raucous about the "give one, give all" situation, I believe that something more should be done to help these people in dire need. Set up a system or something to at least help a few...De same way they could implement a system to get a house from the HDC, de same way they could implement a system for emergency financial aid to citizens in need. They'r not even tryin..I assume these "overlords" are educaed men and women..(shudder). there is absolutely NO DAM reason or way justify the splurgin of taxpayers money on something as superflous and trivial as f'in drapery and not put a geniune effort in using that same money to help the people...your same people who put him there in the first place....its a shame.
Yea you and protect and cry but they would not listen we get that, but thats where the government fails they stop listening to the people to elected them their and they are only thinking about the long term not the present. They are loosing they touch for sometime now, and they seem to be getting power hungry its interfering with their judgments
i wonder if dat 3 million is one set of curtain or he have to buy a next set for when dat get dirty...........and then again it might be very soon he go want a next 3 million...........
Government do spent money on unneccessary items but im sure they do have a budget to account for these stuff...When they do a project they have an estimated cost... So i thing at that time when they purchase this so called 3 million dollars curtain, they had it cover with the project....

But i think that figure could be wrong...Come on, where could u possibiliy get 3 millions dollars drapes?
well in the United States...with all them fashion tv i does be watching fashion designer drapes can be up to 26m and maybe he ordered a specially made one or something
Guess i have to take yuh word on that K..... That have to be some special type of drapes...
No this is true drapes can cost alot if its an expensive type of material remember its a mansion and they charge in yards for it. I don't know why the prime minister had to even consider making a mansion for supremacy. Its just a bunch of waste of money all deemed at to impress Mr Obama because it all seem what he talks about
Well yuh know he eh even thinking about the public now since the summit coming up.... He only studing to satisfy the needs of the foreigner's rather than his own people....