Orville London, Misusing His Power


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Jan 17, 2013
Mr. Orville London who is the Chief Secretary of the THA, Though the reason behind this strategic planning is not out as yet but it definitely puts a question mark on the planning of Mr. Orville London. Mr. Orville London is violating the spirit of the legal framework which governs the relationship between Trinidad and Tobago.

It’s so controversial and is raising doubts in everybody’s mind.
Its hard to guess what the matter could be but its surely suggestive that something negative and wrong is definitely going on.

There are number of controversies related to Orville London, some of them listed below:

1.Orville London was prepared to divorce his wife to be his girlfriend girlfriend Ms.Lue Fat.
2. Neil Wilson — owner of Tourist Services — he does all of the ticketing for major European carriers and Tobago air bridge. He is also the Advisor to the Secretary of Tourism, apart from ticketing, his salary as an Advisor is USD60,000.00 per month.
3. Orville and Anselm own 5 properties in Tobago and are owners of a newly constructed
gas station,
5. Anselm and the young man at the Hyatt.
4. Virgin Airlines — Orville London is misleading everyone on this issue. Virgin pulled out because the THA has failed to implement mechanisms with respect to the approval of land licenses. Investors are therefore being frustrated with regards to property matters (cannot build hotels etc).
6. THA Spending like the PNM: (i) Financial Centre — in excess of $300M (ii)Library was supposed to cost $17M, cost to date $100M (iii) Cultural Centre , Goat Race Track — cost $120M and used for 2 races per year, the rest of the year it is just goats grazing. (iv) URP workers being threatened — "if you don't vote red you dead".
7. Fishing boat "Capital of Paradise" owned by brother Orville and Anselm. Known to be transporter of drugs to Caribbean destinations. Why do you need a Calcutta Express when you can be on the Capital of Paradise?
8. Mr. Singh — known for constructing buildings and leasing to the THA at inflated prices. The difference in market rate and the leased rate is then gifted back to someone.
9. Culloden Estate — THA failed to implement mechanisms with respect to the approval of land licenses.
Re: Orville London, Selfish politician

Orville London acquired the land that was meant for the landless citizens, So now he is against the citizens who had supported him before. This shows height of his greediness.
Re: Orville London is Corrupt

Usually Orville London remains in Controversy sometimes related to personal issues and other times due to professional issues. So, now picture is much clear about him that he is not at all trustable and he just know how to misuse his power.
It is so true that Orville London is misleading everyone on this issue of Virgin Airlines, THA has failed to implement mechanisms with respect to the approval of land licenses. Due to this Virgin Airlines had suffered the loss.
Re: Black Spot on Reputation Of Orville London

Orville London’s image is already spoiled due to his family acquiring the land that was meant for the landless citizens, Moreover his partnership with Neil Wilson in new gas station too had brought personal benefits for him.
Orville had not done anything to help the people or for development of country.
It is so true that Orville London is misleading everyone on this issue of Virgin Airlines Moreover his partnership with Neil Wilson in new gas station too had brought personal benefits for him.
Orville had not done anything to help the people or for development of country.
Some people want to make the world a better place. They run for office and stay up late trying to help their constituents. This is not their trope .
and you know Orville London is that kind of politician
Its so disappointing to know that Mr. Orville London is concerned merely about his personal gains and least interested in the concerns of his citizens.
I cannot believe that being at this position and having all the authority, he is giving all the benefit to his family without taking into concern the needs of the citizens.
This confirms that he entered into politics just to benefit himself and his family. He didn’t at all bother about the landless people for whom the land was meant.
In my opinion he would not even get a chance to participate in the election held on 5 feb 2013 in trinidad & tobago.
Latest news has stated that Mr. Orville London, the Chief Secretary of THA is partnering with Neil Wilson for new gas station. The partnership is expected to bring them great profits keeping the interests of the citizens at stake. This act has drawn criticism from many sections and groups in the society. He is misleading the public on the status of the public and is least bothered about their concern. The deal has raised doubts among the other politicians also and has put the reputation of Mr. Orville London at stake.

Its so unethical to misuse the power and authority that is meant to benefit the citizens.
I feel some controversy is budding out of this deal. Though the matter is not clear yet it gives the feeling that something is definitely wrong and it is ultimately going to affect the masses.
Mr. Orville London, the Chief Secretary of the THA has been in news for the fact that his wife has allegedly acquired the land that was meant for the landless citizens. Moreover it was also reported that some other properties in Signal Hill have also been acquired by them. This is clear now that Mr. Orville London is merely interested in fetching all the benefits and profits for his family. This puts a black spot on his reputation and damages it to a great extent.

There should be no place for negativity in politics and politicians should be bothered about the interests of the masses.
Mr. Orville London is so selfish and self centered. How could he stand the fact that his wife and sister in law grabbed the land that was meant for the landless people.
He himself is responsible for putting his reputation and authority into question.