Objects In The Mirror Are Closer Than They Appear


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Jun 9, 2008
[SIZE=-1]We see these often and some wonder why our mirrors have them.

If you inspect both side mirrors on your car, you will find out that the driver side mirror is planar, while the passenger side mirror is (convex) spherical. The driver side mirror, being planar, does not alter the size of the objects, they look about the same size in the mirror as they would if you turned your head around and looked at them directly. (Well, almost. The difference is about twice the distance from your eye to the mirror.)

For the passenger side mirror, a planar mirror would not do, since since it is further away from your eye, it would be very limited in the range of vision it provides. So, we need either a huge mirror (not a very good or elegant alternative) or a mirror that can 'compress' images to that smaller size. The latter has been chosen, and the convex mirror is the tool that does the job of 'compression'. Just like the back of a spoon, anything in a convex mirror looks smaller than its actual size.

I suppose by now, you have figured out what the point is: Objects do look smaller in the passenger side mirror than they would if you looked directly at them. So, you may_perceive them as being further behind you than they actually are. This may cause you to try to pull off a stunt which you would not have attempted if you knew they were right behind you. So, the warning is there to tell you of this possibility.

As a side point, looking at the surroundings in the mirror (road lines etc.) helps better perceive the distance of the cars behind you. However, don't keep staring at the mirror too long, or you might fail to see what's in front of you! Lol[/SIZE]
Once replaced an rhd Nissan mirror with an lhd passenger mirror. The lhd mirror had the warning but there was no visual change so I'm really not all that certain if all manufacturers follow this.

Still an interesting fact none the less.
Yeah its a very natural fact in the mirror and in our eye retina.So be careful while driving the car and take a turn in traffic.
Some manufacturers still adopt these measures to be sure. I have a normal glass mirror and mines work fine. I think they still do it for German vehicles and in India as well .
I paid extra attention to my mirrors today. Now they are quite large and don't appear to be following this as both look the same when looked at.

I do remember the previous car did follow it. However it did so on the both sides meaning both were small and showed cars at different distances than they actually were. It used to feel really weird because they were rectangular lol.
Its a good habit that you pay extra attention to your mirror and its very important to take your drive carefully and actively.
Yeah if yopu can,y so it will be dangerous for your car and also for your life.It may cause serious accidents sometimes.
Forgive me, I totally forgot that the curb mirror/fender mirror on my truck uses this convex shape. Objects do appear closer than they actually are in this mirror. However it does not have any warning and is not really needed but it occurred to me today that I do in fact have a convex mirror and its the greatest thing ever in some narrow trini roads where the Yaris won't go on his side.
lmaoo those Yaris eh! You hadda be extra careful with them tida drivers too!