Nintendo's Wii Runs Out of Steam!

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New Member
Sep 12, 2008
Hey all, it seems that the former king of the console wars has lost its steam. Nintendo's Wii game console is currently on a decline. A very sharp decline. The president of Nintendo recently told investers that the Wii has lost appeal. Shipments of the console has been cut in almost in half. Consumers are not spending on the Wii. The president of Nintendo is also very skeptical about any turn-around of sales for the rest of the year. Or next year. Since the recent price drop from the competition, it really shows how the Wii was lacking. Nintendo is currently thinking about , making some alterations to the console. Probably putting out a HD version. They're even considering bringing NETFLIX to the Wii. Both the Xbox360 and PS3 offers the video renting service to their customers.
Just when they thought they were untouchable, the unthinkable happens. The famous Wii, which was Nintendo's bread and butter has lost its appeal.
I have nothing against Nintendo, but i would've never bought a Wii. Its too childish for me.
Compared to the competition, the Wii is not on the same level. What gave Wii its appeal was its wireless motion sensitive controller. It was fun and fresh. Plus the games are tailored to a wider variety of gamers. Not so much the hardcore gamers that inhabit the PS3/Xbox360 platforms. The Wii was targeted at the casual gamer. Young people to old people enjoyed the Wii because the games were.."parent safe". you'll start to see more "M" rated software for the Wii in the coming months i guess. Make it worst Xbox360 has Project Natal, and Sony has their own motion-sensitive controller coming out. So the pressure would definitely be mounting for Nintendo.
Hmm...interesting...Wii still does hold the best selling video game of all time worldwide, with Wii Sports, and Wii Sports Resort (or something like that) is the 2nd best selling, so I'm not sure they're doing as bad as they want people to think. Maybe just not as good as their expectations.

Anyway, up to yesterday I still racked up about 10 games of tennis before my arm started to hurt and I retire for another day. I've always been addicted to tennis.
Good for you.. like I said before, the Ninitendo Wii is too much of a childish console for me.. Other than the motion controller, what does it truly offer? They're "finally" pushing onlin content for the Wii. And just like I predicted, M-rated titles have begun showing up on he Wii. e.g. Dead Space: Extraction Point. For those of you that don't know, Dead Space is a survival horror game that came out on the PC, PS3 and Xbox360. So, like i said, they're gonna have to start foraying in a realm where they didn't think they would have to go...
Yeah, well expansion and re-evaluation is always necessary for a company to survive, especially in this economic climate. Game sales are down across the board though, so maybe consumers are looking for the next best thing.