Nidco Employee Making $200,000 A Month

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Staff member
Jan 23, 2008
A NIDCO employee was working for $200,000 a month and no one could explain what work that employee did to justify that salary.

Nidco employee making $200,000 a month

A NIDCO employee was working for $200,000 a month and no one could explain what work that employee did to justify that salary.
So said Works and Transport Minister Rohan Sinanan in response to an urgent question in the House of Representatives yesterday, on whether 100 contract workers were likely to be sent home.
Sinanan said in January 2017, Nidco (National Infrastructure Development Company) had engaged Personnel Management Services to conduct a manpower audit in the right-sizing of the State-owned company. He said their work is ongoing and a final report is still to be submitted.
However, he said, based on preliminary information coming out of Nidco, “I will not be surprised if some contract workers, whose contracts have expired, may not have their contracts renewed, based on the fact that they have employees there drawing over $200,000 a month and to this day we can’t find what they were doing for this money,” he said.
The Minister said the person who received this salary collected it between 2013 and 2015.
Sinanan said at the end of the audit, workers whose services are no longer needed would be terminated.
In response to a question on the conflicting reports with respect to the resignation of the last Port Authority Board, Sinanan said the members resigned and he was not aware of the motives or reasons for the resignations.
“I don’t have a crystal ball to read people’s minds,” he said, adding that he was not aware of what happens in the minds of board members.
Some might find this information to be surprising but it is something that has been going on for several years now, under the various Governments.

I remember my classmates in Cipriani Labor College, were telling the lecturer that they were Managers and Supervisors for various departments under the government but there was no building, no office, and no work.
Their pay was hitting their bank accounts though.
The incredible part about it, is the way they were boasting without a care that they could get in trouble.
They collected salaries ranging 10k to 20k for a job that had no existence in the real world and they reported to no one with nothing to do. They all drove above average vehicles and government houses but never worked a day.

What is even more incredible, is that the Government changed but these people still had these fake jobs collecting real salaries and no one inquired or investigated into it.

For those who don't believe this.... All truth will come into the light one day and you will remember that you read this somewhere.