New drug plan?

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Active Member
Jun 9, 2008
Everybody knows that we have a drug problem. It such a part of our daily lives that we just accept that on the corner of ever road there are young men sitting smoking weed, coke.. drinking. It seems we have forgotten that drugs are bad or just how debilitating they can be. Still police waste time arresting junkies and addicts when they should be hunting down traffickers and pushers. And its funny that just about anyone in any given neighbourhood knows exactly where drugs are bought and sold. Thats not the point though.
What we need is less focus on the small frys and focus more on the producers. Only lame police would feel they're making a difference by arresting people for possession. Thats how bad the drug situation is.. arresting users wont do crap.
I say we do what portugal did. They decriminalised THE USE of drugs.. They did not legalise it.. You're not imprisoned for possession, you're passed on to a special group of people who specialise on getting you off drugs. That way the police can do what the have to and the addicts are dealt with.
No it did not increase drug use in Portugal. It created a way for the users to come forward and fix their problems. ... 46,00.html
Could this work here or would it have the opposite effect?
This could work here to an extent alot of people are hooked on drugs and want to get of but their is a major problem plaguing Trinidad but not really Tobago, its the mentality that we have,
We would not take these things seriously we are not accustomed to these things and we does just talk but take no action
we don't talk our laws seriously and the laws are not implemented seriously.
People in Trinidad drink for almost everything and we as a country a whole don't think this is a problem because every fete encourages alcohol, As they say this is the country of Rum oil and sugar.

So if we think like this i don't think it would have a major effect on the country
drugs is just becoming more local everyday, people growing weed like it's nothing, you could have some plants behind your house hide up between other trees and nobody will ever know, it would definitely be hard to stop because it's a major source of income, when you cross one way off the list another method of circulating drugs in the business pops up then the tricks of the trade are passed down to the younger generation and it keeps going on and on and me,,,the only way i could possibly think of eliminating it, is just kill everybody that's doing it instead of having them arrested and put in jail for a certain amount of time, because they would go straight back to it when they come out.
My theory is simple. Let somebody else clean up the users. Let the police do what the should and tackle the trade. Less drugs available, more demand BUT better treatment= less users = less demand. Fixing it from both ends should have an effect.. but only if the people respond. That is the flaw.. Trinis would increase their intake not seek help. Police should get no credit on possession charges. Only cartels and drug ring should count. The less available it is the less of an option it is for people considering it.
It is scary to know the number of people who use drugs in Trinidad. Everyone believes the middle and lower class of our community uses drugs but this is not so. A lot of the upper class use and sell drugs. The police are not doing their job in bringing in the drug users. Even if the users are caught when they go to the courts they are fined or acquitted and then back in the streets even though they have several convictions against them. Legislation are not in place to properly deal with drug users....they need to be rehabilitated and then place back in society or imprisoned.
Yeah crystal meth usage is on the increase and its the upper class that are the users and dealers. We never hear about these bigshots being charged or cracked down on so we're lead to belive that only street people do drugs. Trinidad needs to wake up and expose these high level criminals.. this is were it all starts and it is only where it will stop from the bosses down. It is the only way.
I don't think there are much mariguana fields in T&T like long time...Th drug dealers are doing more importation via the seas and air.... They bribe the customs officers and the drug is out on the streets.... Sounds so easy when yuh have soo much money....