Nerd vs. Geek. vs. Dork

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Active Member
Nov 10, 2014
Just for fun, how do you define these words? Have you ever been called one, referred to someone as one, or considered yourself one?

I've been called all three by people with very different definitions (not in a bad way) so I'm just curious as to what others think. I don't think of it as necessarily a bad thing and know many people that pride themselves as one and consider one term superior. I wouldn't mind at all if I got a straight definition lol




I've been called a nerd and a Geek already, i am a computer person but i don't look like a nerd or a geek.
I also have been called that. Just because I wanted to listen to a health show on 91.1FM. Wonder if they would still call me that if I did criminal activities..
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I have been told I look like, act like, and sound like one of each of those words over time. The thing is, none of the people making those claims can really tell me what a "nerd", "geek", or "dork" is. A lot of people proudly claim it but their definitions also differ.

A lot of people associate nerds with computers and games, but Geek Squad is a group of computer technicians. Sometimes "nerd" refers to people that like reading but very studious people who take their academic careers seriously are considered geeks by many. There's also the stereotype that people with glasses are nerds/geeks. I was an Orch Dork in school because of a specific subject/class/group but we were quite proud of it lol