My Kitten Rescue Story

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New Member
Feb 20, 2009
I live in an area where there are many shy stray cats that runs away from you when you come close or they even spot you. A mother cat made a litter of kittens in my neighbours yard but they moved them to a box because she had them in an unsafe area of the yard. She so skittish that she moved them into a bushy area forgetting/abandoning one. We tried all measures to get this mother cat to take her kitten but she refused so we started calling around as 2 days she went crying without milk from the mother. (we fed her KMR). I posted the picture of her on the facebook group TTSPCA and called TTSPCA , Animal Welfare Network & Animal Alive and was turned town because no one has the time or resources to take care of the animal. TTSPCA even said if i bring it in they would have no choice but to humanely euthanize it. It was so sad to know these organizations cannot take care of these little creatures because they dont have the resources. However, a miracle family agreed to take her in ASAP and when we delivered her right away their nursing mother cat accepted her into the litter and started feeding her. Its was such a joy to know that there are still people left who care about animals wholeheartedly and would do anything to save their lives. I thanked them so much and planning to visit them soon to see the cute girl.
Just wonderful, i'm happy people like you still have a caring heart for animals. I applaud you and hope every thing works out and hope more people could be like you.
hey thats great news. almost everyday i feed stray dogs in my neighbourhood who comes searching for food. its a wonderful thing and yes its sad to know that even the big organizations cannot support these little innocent beings
great story Vickie, but I have one do you get two cats to stop fighting?
Sian said:
great story Vickie, but I have one do you get two cats to stop fighting?

Whats their gender and are they spayed ?
LadyDeathDemon said:
Sian said:
great story Vickie, but I have one do you get two cats to stop fighting?

Whats their gender and are they spayed ?

it's two male cats. i don't think they are spayed!
When in times of heat male cats fight over who is the alpha and exert their prowess.. All male cats fight my me. Its just to see who is stronger and can get all the ladies
LadyDeathDemon said:
When in times of heat male cats fight over who is the alpha and exert their prowess.. All male cats fight my me. Its just to see who is stronger and can get all the ladies

but for how long do they fight... the chick they fighting over already made kittens and they are still fighting :icon_neutral: