Mr PM Call The General Election Now!

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Jun 30, 2008
Mr PM you waitng too long you and your party going to get a sound cut ass when this election comes around.
Here's hoping. Let's also hope the opposition puts together some solid politics and addresses the issues. Enough with the picong, we want strong leaders!
It is!!!! But on a serious note... i welcome any snap General Elections right now... let me exercise my civil right to get this no-good, don't care Government lead by the one of the most egotistical man I have ever known out of the red house. And take their coniving hand away from the treasury... But in politics, things are Never what they seem to be. If the COP and UNC unit to defeat the PNM (Patrick Not Moving), who's gonna lead? Who's gonna be Prime Minister? Kamla or Dookeran? And what if, the whole UNC internal elections was a sham? What if the UNC gets into Government and lo-and behold by some magician's trick, som scenario comes about that Kamla gives back Pandy the leadership? Too many possibilities. Panday was spot on when he said; "Politics has its own morality".
well from midnight parliament will be dissolved an a date have to be announced by d PM!!! action now start in trini
Wooooooooooooooooooooooooo. I was so happy when I heard that today...It's on like Donkey Kong now!
buh ah feel it mite be in July coz d coo d take place in dat month!!!
Alyuh Manning smart...he want 2 get it over with before UNC and COP come 2 an agreement
Correct me if im wrong, but to call an election, the date has to be 90 days from now... It cannot be next month....
The earliest an election can take place from now is in May, the latest is in July. (Source: CCN3)
If that were the case everyone would know when the election would be held and he wouldn't have to announce the date. He wouldn't have been able to joke the last time that he had it in his back pocket. I think from the time parliament dissolves, he has to call it withing 3 months. But I'm no law expert so I stand to be corrected.
yup..he has as much as 90days to hold elections. Its law. once parliment has been dessovled, elections can be held as early as 35 days after, or as long as 90days.... So dey have time to start the gimmick train and pave they don start by me already..