Movie Town POS Crime Unzipped

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Senior Marketing Officer
Staff member
Jun 9, 2008

Dear Friends and Family,

This is what unfolded at Movie Towne P.O.S. on Saturday 18th June 2011 @ 11.55pm. My Brother-in-law and sister were almost brutally MURDERED on the western side of Movie Towne car park. As the evening unfolded, I had a dinner party to attend however my son called me up and asked me to join him, my sister and my brother-in-law at Movie Towne POS to view the movie "X-men" at 9.15pm. Without hesitation I did. Excellent movie by the way.

The movie ended at 11.40pm and we all walked out towards the car park. We first walked my son to his vehicle to make sure he was safe. Then I turned to my sister and said "let me drop you to your vehicle." We were busy talking and without realising it I exited Movie Towne. My brother-in-law then said to me "don't worry we would walk back inside, the car is just over there opposite Excellent Stores on the western side," (a stone throw away from the security booth). I pulled to the side and they exited my vehicle and proceeded to theirs. I then called my sister on her cell phone while they were en route to their vehicle as I was feeling very uneasy for some reason. We chatted as they walked and as they got into their car she said "ok, we're in the car, everything is cool". I said ok, hanged up and proceeded towards the traffic lights.

In that fraction of a second as we both got off the phone and she turned towards her husband, she saw a very thin, young negro chap pointing a 38 calibre long nose at her husband's head. The criminal shouted "open your f****ing door or ah go shoot all yuh!" On her side of the vehicle were two more negro men trying to open her door and diagonally behind was a White B-13 with a driver. My brother-in-law at that instance put his glass down only to receive a gashing blow with the gun to his forehead. The bandit then pushed the gun into his chest and he (my bother-in-law) grabbed it placing one of his fingers behind the trigger and holding the barrel securely. With death facing both of them in the face, the bandit continued to hit him continuously with a metal object bursting his head open in several places. While this ordeal was taking place, my sister somehow managed to call me on the cell screaming hysterically "they killing him, they killing him...!" I immediately spinned my vehicle around and drove straight over the median towards Movie Towne exit. As I approached the guard booth I saw my bother-in-law's vehicle approaching and as he came to a stop there was blood everywhere. Blood was gushing out of his head and my sister was still screaming hysterically and shaking. He was then hastily taken to West Shore Medical.

The security at Movie Towne was of NO HELP. One security guard said to me "these things does happen sir!" Another security guard when I asked if they were not going to ward off the area said "them fellas gone already, sir!" CAN YOU BELIEVE THAT? Then when I asked about the surveillance tape(s), they said "I not sure that working nah" I could not believe my ears. Is this the kind of security that Mr. Derek Chin provides at Movie Towne, P.O.S? The safety of people that puts dollars in this man's coffers apparently seem to be insignificant to warrant proper security facilities to protect their well-being. The restaurants and shops that are so well patronized means absolutely nothing. Should the new branding be "Come To Movie Towne, P.O.S. At Your Risk !"

Is this the kind of place we're going to let our children and wives go to? Are we going to wait until one of our family members is brutally raped and murdered to do anything about this situation ? Do you want to be brutally beaten like my brother-in-law was ? Please ask yourself these questions before venturing there !

It is obvious that the current security are either involved or not equipped or trained to ensure the safety of its patrons. Chin needs to do something NOW about this, IT IS RIDICULOUS !!! MY SISTER AND BROTHER-IN-LAW WERE ALMOST MURDERED . The police indicated to me that this is a regular thing that happens there and they try to keep it on the down low.

Then check this out, the very same night about one and a half hours later in the said car park when security should be on high alert due to what just previously happened, a young man is abducted at gun point, brutally beaten, tied up and thrown out of his vehicle in the Chaguaramas beach area for dead. His car that was stolen was taken to Cocorite, to be stripped and sold I was told.

I've been informed that a group comprising of nine young men that target the Movie Towne P.O.S. is supported by a well organised "King Pin". ALL YUH HEAR WHAT I SAYING, YOU MEAN CHIN COULD NOT GET TO THE BOTTOM OF THIS ! WHO NEXT ? WHO NEXT ? CHIN THIS IS YOUR "BREAD AND BUTTER", DO SOMETHING NOW !!!!!

I simply ask my family and friends to forward this e-mail to everyone they know so that this never happens to them at Movie Towne, P.O.S.
Wtf All them so called security companies are a waste of fuc*ing time, Some train their personnel for only 2 weeks we some don't, Movie town does charge so much of money just to see a blasted move and you telling me now that it have no video footage of the crime happened and no good security at this place.
It a shameful thing, shame on the manager of movie towne, you want people to pay 45 dollars for one movie and you can't even get good security.
its so sad wen yuh wrk hard an some donkey wana robb yuh .......ent is to just put a lead in dem......sad real sad to hear
People not only Movie Town should be singled out, places like West Mall, Long Circular Mall, Trincity Mall, Ellerslie Plaza and Grand Bazaar have the same problem.

The owners of these places pay people off not to go to the media or keep it quiet by not reporting to the police.
Well i'm telling you that there is always employment so security personnel are easy to get ..its just ppl playing stingy nowadays and refusing to spend extra money..bit im telling you if places like price plaza get more security imagine how many more shoppers they will receive
Despite this artilce and others, ppl still visit Movie Town. The only ones who may be a little precautious are the higher class individuals. Chin will defend his security system even though they were wrong.
Yeah he is defending them ..imgaine he met the people with the man head stitched up and still DEFENDING HIS PLACE! GOSH MAN YUH SECURITY STINK LIKE THE BEETHAM SO STOP WINE-IN AND DO SUMTHING GOSHH