Ministry Encourages Vaccinations For Measles

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The Ministry of Health (MoH) says it has noted the Pan American Health Organisation /World Health Organisation (PAHO/WHO) report of an increased number of cases of measles in the Americas which includes North, South and Central America and the Caribbean region.

T&T, however, maintains a high immunisation coverage as it pertains to measles and other vaccine preventable diseases.

In a statement yesterday the ministry said this positive immunisation status is directly related to T&T’s resilient, vigilant and committed approach to reducing the prevalence of all vaccine preventable diseases.

It said the National Expanded Programme on Immunisation (EPI) of the Ministry of Health manages programmes that treat with such diseases.

This country, however, remains at risk for the re-introduction of measles due to factors such as regular global travel to and from our shores and increased visitor arrivals during peak periods such as Carnival or international sporting events.

Measles is an acute viral illness which is highly infectious. It is characterised by fever, rash and cough.

The ministry said anyone who has not been completely immunised and come into contact with the virus is at risk for developing measles. The risk is higher in children under five years of age.

It said the present strategy employed by the ministry to protect against the re-introduction of measles centres around two primary components:

• Achieving and maintaining high immunisation coverage for measles

• Prompt management of any cases

A key step taken by the ministry to manage national vaccination levels was the reduction in the time between a child’s first and second measles, mumps and rubella (MMR) vaccinations.

According to the ministry, infants can now receive their second MMR dose at two years old. Previously, the second dose was given between four and five years of age. Immunisation initiatives, such as this, have helped to increase the overall vaccination coverage across the island to the 93 and 90 percentiles in respect of the first and second doses of MMR received.

There is no link between vaccines and autism: the MMR vaccine is safe, and effective at preventing measles, mumps, and rubella.

Vaccines, like any medicine, can have side effects. Most people who get the MMR vaccine do not have any side effects. Vaccine safety experts, including experts at the United States Centres for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) and the American Academy of Paediatrics (AAP), agree that the MMR vaccine is not responsible for increases in the number of children with autism (See vaccinesafety/concerns/autism.html).

The ministry is reminding that all children (between the ages of 5 and 16 years) must be immunised before being admitted into a school.

Parents are advised to ensure that their child receives all the necessary vaccinations within the prescribed periods. This service is available, at no cost, at all public health centres across T&T.

The ministry said it remains ready and committed to the protection of the health of the public.