Microsoft Surface

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New Member
Jun 14, 2008
Some of you may have seen this already but for those that havent

click above (until i figure out the embedded thing lol)

Surface allows full hand to screen interaction via some relatively simple methods( 4 cameras that aim to the surface to pick up 'touch pressure' made on the screen. Now.. imagine the possibilities here for home use as well as business:
Architectural drawing...more paper will be saved
thats just one im sure you can think of many more!
unfortunately its quite expensive for the average home user and small/medium enterprises...minimum 10,000 US! :Blink:
but what if this can be within the hands of home users and small/medium businesses..
imagine the sophistication of software development that will be required to build/run multitouch apps...
there are not much people out there with the facility to test the software they have built for this platform. Additionally not having Surface is a limitation to those that want to get into building multitouch software....alot of development has been underway in order to make this enhanced human computer interaction experience possible to more than just Surface buyers... this is some food for thought.... :evil:
Yeah I saw this, touchscreen tech has so many applications and its heartening to see that its actually being utilised. But the fact that software is being harnessed to make it seamless and integrated is even better. The development is organic the possibilities that exist now will make older stuff look and feel clunky, its so much close to an ultimate interface. The kinda thing futurists, nerds and sci fi fans prophesy about. The future and the fantasy is if fact here. :)
Wow thats so cool to have, 10,000 huh is that just the screen or the whole operating system whys the specs of it by the way. The processor and the video/graphics card must be real powerful
actually its a custom version of vista..the multitouch apps just running on top of the OS
the specs is an average pc 2day...i cant remember exactly but the current versions runnin on around:
core2duo 2.13ghz
2gb ram
250gb hdd

i think the minimum versions are like that

graphix card cud just be a standard gamer card
Has this technology reached Trinidad as yet, it would be super cool to know our governmental agencies to use such a thing, i know for sure USA on top of this all now but we can't always be backwards in Technology
Well I know CNN and MSNBC use this for sure. They used it for the elections last year.

Has it reached down here as yet? Yes I believe so. I remember somebody showing it to me a time I was in POS earlier this year. (my memory is abd so can't remember where tho)
actually CNN and MSNBC uses one from a company called perceptive pixel...somthin so...the company is owned by a guy called jeff han...his systems are about US100,000 O_O
but thats mainly because of the sophisticated software used on it
Nah I remember they used their own software. But I remember seeing something on tv that said they used it.