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i now watch the news it says he is stable but we duno for sure 2 stations saying different things
Well People He Gone for good now!!! R.I.P Michael Jackson Greatest PoP Artist of all time!!
Omg OMg i cried i really cried i loved all his music why did this have to happen na man hmmm loard
my thoughtz & prayerz r wit da greatest pop star'z family...
His unique blend of soul, funk and rock made him the biggest pop act in the world........
The star had three children, Michael Joseph Jackson Jr, Paris Michael Katherine Jackson and Prince Michael Jackson II. He is survived by his mother Katherine, father Joseph and eight siblings—including Janet, Randy, Jermaine and La Toya Jackson.
He will always be remembered ...and he was preparing for his big concert nex yr and he died
R.I.P Micheal Jackson and despite what he got accused of we still love him and will always be remembered for his dance moves and music
hmm poor guy cant believe he's gone i really liked his music for real when i heard he dead i taught it was due to something he used to do to him self :(
Growing up micheal jackson was everyone's model. what i cannot believe is that his children was nowhere to be found when he died. that is really disturbing
Even though he's the king of pop remember he's just human too and was said he had alot of problems medically and within his family, but one thing i'm sure about is that he touched so many hearts out their and i'm sure no one will ever come close to this man
Mj mom gets kids...MJ had had a WILL.....his entire estate was given to his motherand named the guardian of his three kids....
well Diana Ross to raise the kids if his mom dies. Late MJ body could be viewed tomorrow in Neverland Ranch, Santa Barbara. Trinbagoians could go down to Belgroves to pay tribute to d late MJ tomorrow and saturday, wit candles, flowers etc a memorial book for all wishing to sign will be sent to d family home in california
Since his death all i have been listening is Micheal's music nothing again, I really do feel hurt i feel like i lost a friend someone i know very well.
madsuya said:
Trinbagoians could go down to Belgroves to pay tribute to d late MJ tomorrow and saturday, wit candles, flowers etc a memorial book for all wishing to sign will be sent to d family home in california

Do you think people would actually go to a funeral home to pay tribute to MJ? Is it possible that the stuff they collected will be shipped to MJ home ? :Confused:
i doh think so i mean thats alot of things you talking about billions...
Today is the memorial for MJ at Staples..... There are tickets on sale for the memorial... Tickets!!!!! They must be sold out by now..... I think it coming over live in CNMG ...11