Men do not work but have nice rides

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Staff member
Jan 23, 2008
Have you ever noticed that it does have some people not working at all, you never saw them going to work always seeing them around. ANd the top it off they have loads of expensive chains and riding real expensive cars have you ever wondered how in the world they ever get the money to afford these things?. Their are alot of people in Trinidad sealing robbing people of their money and items in the night and they binging and showing off in the morning The phase "getting rich fast" is mainly on alot of these people minds. You does know people who poor and just so they started to bling real expensive cars and so on people this is the what you have to be asking in you mind who did these people get the money?
And if you can't seem to find a good answer you should make a report
Re: Men do do not work but have nice rides

Hmm well i know it have real women that are gold diggers, and i also know that it works both ways, so maybe they have a rich girlfriend, rich family give them what they don't need, so many possibilities, but then again i wouldn't doubt that they rob somebody house in the night, or buying stuff with black money, but a lot of people these days are trying to find the easy way out, but good topic though, it really does raise a lot of questions being that we were in a severe recession.
Re: Men do do not work but have nice rides

Yes it does. I am judging people but i saw some men on the boat going to tobago recently and this man was loaded with gold chains but the thing is all were ladies chains. he wore this lady bracelet with flowers on it? Flowers ? I am not questioning this man but ladies pearl pendent and a bracelet with flowers. he looked very criminalish like a robber or theif and bore some marks on his face like knife scars. man he gave me the creeps i was frighten of him
Re: Men do do not work but have nice rides

I wouldn't doubt that he stole it but wow i think i would feel bad to wear something that i stole from someone, bu i was at grocery the other and i saw this guy, his neck was fipled with chains, all looked like real gold, i thought i was over doing it with three but he had lik atleast 50, you could'nt see his neck, then both hands were filled with braceletes all gold, and he had lik 3 piercings on both ears with gold on it, i wish i took a picture, but im wondering how he got all of that and if he did buy them how long did i take, i mean i could share a piece of his jewelry with every member on here., he didn't look like the rich type though -_-
Re: Men do do not work but have nice rides

I think its safe to judge in this instance. Especially the way things are these days. Now, I also think its safe to rule out some rich aunt or uncle that mysteriously die and left them with a hefty insurance payout! So the only logical explanation to conclude is that they are into something very lucrative and illegal. I've come across a few of these types of ppl before.
Seriously why would a man wear a woman bracelet and chain ?
boys in my school do it, but they're just playing around not sure why this man would do it, maybe he likes flowers, or it was his mom's or something i don't know but it's fishy
getting rich fast is one thing alot of family providers fall for when they around bad company. Some might influence them to join them on their villain attacks to earn fast money to mind their family. i telling you as recession is here people want to make fast money
well today i was on the phone with a friend, and he said sometimes he sells "rocks" or the white stuff, for fast money, so he was telling me about how like 2years ago he had to make a delivery to this building but there was a lot of police around and he didn't want to get caught up with anything, so he was just standing there for a while and a little kid came up to him and said i want to work for you, but he didn't pay no mind to him, until he saw that the kid was determined and he put in the kid's bag and told him where to deliver it and the kid went and came, and my friend payed him 500.00, so he asked how old are you, the kid said seven, so he asked what you need the money for, don't you have parents, the kid said he wants to have his own money in his own pocket, now hearing all this i was shocked, he said the kid asked to come back tomorrow. Now, if a little child has a hustler's ambitions imagine where he would be when he turn's 20, in my eyes, i don't think he'll live to see his own children. I wouldn't doubt that these older men are just as devious!
In the US Alot of children ( factly proven) to grow up alot faster than kids down here and other places. They are exposed to alot of weird things that are unexplainable. Imagine a 7yr old saying that no wonder Drugs and stuff are common there. Children these days need alot of assurance and proper child growth and love from their parents because these days if they do not get and in the hands of wrong company and the media they are lost
Candy yuh "friend" setting such a bad example for the young ones... I hope u said something to avoid this from happening as well as to ur "friend"....

Admin, don't be fooled by those who "Gettin rich" and not working to deserve it... Especially in the Longdenville area, there are alot of PH drivers who drive the best of the best cars plying taxi work.... Im such thats not there car ... and those who sporting the thick gold chains could simply be gold palted or jus false gold...