
“I just got up - and yes, I’m fine.”
Those were People’s National Movement MP Maxie Cuffie’s words yesterday morning, following his arrival home on Thursday night.
This after his eight-month stay in Washington for rehabilitation and neurosurgery following a stroke last September. Cuffie received surgery locally before going to Washington last November for further medical attention. He had neurosurgery in May and after completing physiotherapy was cleared to travel.
On arrival Thursday night, Cuffie and his wife Hermia were greeted by Labour Minister Jennifer Baptiste-Primus, who at one point held his arm as he was walking.
Dressed in a white shirt, jacket, jeans and leather shoes, a slimmer looking Cuffie is no longer wearing the helmet which he’d been wearing prior to his neurosurgery. He was seen taking calls on his cell phone after arriving at the Piarco International Airport.
Yesterday, Cuffie sounded his usual self on the phone, speaking briefly and assuring he was in good shape. He didn’t comment on his plans.
Planning Minister Camille Robinson-Regis also said Cuffie “is going well and looks well.”
Following his return, PNM sources said he’s looking forward to returning to Parliament when the current mid-year recess ends in early September and returning to work at his new post of Minister in Public Administration. He was given that post when the ministry was split between Marlene McDonald (Public Administration) and Stuart Young (Communication) last month.
Cuffie’s currently on leave from Parliament until month-end. Sources said he wasn’t expected out for Monday’s special sitting of Parliament to debate the notification of a Police Commissioner, “But you can never tell....”
Cuffie’s boss, Public Administration Minister McDonald, is also back to work - of sorts - just ahead of the end of her sick leave next Monday.
McDonald, who’s getting over her recent bout of pneumonia, was at her Piccadilly Street, Port-of-Spain constituency office on Thursday beginning her school bag distribution drive which continued in St James yesterday and continues in Sea Lots today. On Monday, McDonald also chaired the Report Review sub-committee of the Cabinet at the Prime Minister’s Office. She returns to the ministry next week.