Massive Traffic pile up due to protest!

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Active Member
May 27, 2014
This morning i got up nice and early to get ready to head out to school there , left home around 6:00am to commute to a regularly free highway to arrive at school early to get some work done, only to my surprise going down the highway to bounce up bumper to bumper traffic!

i sat on the new diego martin highway in traffic for about half an hour before i could move probably 5 metres! that was one of the worst traffic pile ups i ever saw in diego!

i tried all how to get away from it , drove down to the back of starlite shopping plaza near St.Anthony's college and TRAFFIC, ended up turning around to go to Morne Coco road, only to be stuck in more traffic.

i listened to the radio for updates on the matter, and it was said that the residents are protesting because of the small road that returns motorists who are heading out to the east, to the west ( a small road where a u-turn can be made) , this road has been closed for months now , and they protesting that its a huge inconvenience to them!

Now first of all, that is a small road that merges onto a highway where alot of cars are flying down the road, so its very dangerous to merge over to further more, i hardly ever see people using that road, only to dodge traffic when a morning comes! for those residents, they must go up to mucorapo road and make a complete turn around if they want to head into west moorings! that drives takes about 5minutes with the road clear and is way more safe than that small road where you need to merge!

so because of them alot of people have been inconvenienced , late for work or even absent.

i heard that a few cars where damaged because they tried to go through the debris that was on fire, and were pelted by the residents of cocorite, the police are on the scene just directing traffic, they were waiting on fire brigade to come and clear out the debris.


Smh. So they were being inconvenienced by a closed road, so they decided to inconvenience everyone else. Hope they get locked up.....
Okay, Okay. This is what happened.

Simpleton A: Whey boi that road still close?
Simpleton B: Yeah boi still. But we getting used to it, is months now it close.
Simpleton A: True, true.

*awkward silence*

Simpleton A: Boi place dead eh?
Simpleton B: Yeah boi real dead. Cyah remember d last time anyting happen up here nah.
Simpleton A: Yeah man.

*awkward silence*

Random person passing: Ahhhm, allyuh mind moving alyuh chairs please, we want to play some cricket dey.
Simpleton A: (begrudgingly) aright aright nah. *steups*
Simpleton B: People cyah see we busy hear o wat?
Random person: Buh alyuh just sitting dey!
Simpleton A: Who tell you all we doing is sitting here? We talking bout de road here!
Simpleton B: Important ting! Politics an ting! wit d road an ting! Official govuhnment members talk!

Second random person: Waiz dat dey?
First Random Person: Dem talking politics bout d road. Politics nah. Like govuhnment and road problems and ting nah.

Third random person: Eh?
Second Random person: Dem talking bout govuhnment giving problems fuh d road an ting nah.
Third random person: Wah? And we cyah do nuttin fuh dat? Dat govuhment feel we too quiet is what.

*cricket players start backing away, original simpletons return with chairs*

Simpleton A: Dais wah I saying all de time here and dem wah me move!
First Random person: Wah? govuhnment problems with d road? Dem want YOU to move?
Second Random Person: Why de govuhnment wah we move? We hadda make some noise!

*protest starts*

True Story.

***DISCLAIMER: This is not true. Totally made this up and no offense intended to anyone. Just FYI. Don't go beating up no lazy ppl in chairs please. I'm tired. And bored. And it makes more sense than "hey, let's act like uncivilized savages, go out of our way to ruin people's transport experience and interfere with their showing up at work/school, cause air pollution, noise pollution, and pelt ppl's cars while we jump up and down yelling and screaming around fires and placards for an issue that happened MONTHS ago and has nothing to do with these people we're inconveniencing and messing with. Because it's the 21st century and all. #moderncivilation #progressingwiththetimes #soeducated
Hahahhaah wow shadowhunter! You have a very active ,vivid imagination! I must applaud you for your creativity and accuracy! That must have been exactly how it went down because the behavior they was getting on with eh

And then the next day is like nothing happened! I can't understand their mentality!!

And you know when 1 person start protests ,everyone on the bandwagon!

Awaiting beetham protests!
Lol thank, you, thank you, thank you! *deep bow* The net day it was done? ALREADY? wth.....Then you know they were just bored and wanted a lil attention smh
Bhahahhahaa XD yes !! It was done the next day it was like nothing ever happened the next day!!

I cannot believe some people!

Look my friend saying that how they protesting because of KFC sending up their prices......but they want to be taken seriously so they calling it because of the roadway closing

The theories this man have lmao xD
Hahahahahaaaaa Don't be surprised if his theories are right. I think people just get bored and want something to make noise for. Then they just get confused from there, so claim their protest from one reason to the next...whichever they remember first lol
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