Manning looking for attention

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Active Member
Jun 16, 2008
Prime Minister Patrick Manning disclosed last night that an unnamed organisation was behind a plot to kill him. He said this was revealed to his wife Hazel Manning three days before last year’s anniversary of the 1990 attempted coup.

This is how Manning diverts the enquries about whats going on with court matters pending with regards to the coup....
Manning said there could have been bloodshed in T&T on the eve of last year’s attempted coup. Manning said: “One year ago, on the morning of Saturday July 26, when the Minister of Local Government and myself were on the way to our gym at 3.30 in the morning, a marked police vehicle sought to peel off the final vehicle in our (security) detail. We had one unmarked car in which we were travelling and there were two jeeps behind us, so everybody knew it was the Prime Minister’s detail.”

He added: “A marked police vehicle came and made an attempt to peel off the final jeep in our detail.” Manning said the vehicle in the security detail refused to be peeled off “and to be separated from the rest of the (security) detail (and) all kinds of scuffles ensued, which caused us to abort our mission that morning and to return home very quickly.” He said: “What has not been said on this matter before is that two days before that, someone walked into the office of the Minister of Local Government and told her that a certain organisation in this country was about to make an attempt to assassinate the Prime Minister.

“That is what the Prime Minister knew that morning.” Manning said: “Fortunately for us we did not report it at the time.” He said: “Had it been reported, I assure you, there would have been bloodshed that morning and certain people would have been killed, there is no question about it.” Manning said he thanked God that the threat was not reported then. He said:“The Prime Minister has confidence in his security detail who have put their lives on the line to ensure that T&T remains a democratic and progressive society. We subscribe to the ballot not the bullet.” He said his Government would use all resources available to ensure T&T remains a peaceful nation.
Loard people remember this man is the king of deception he want people to feel sorry for him and to remove the guilt, he wants people to forgive him where do this man get off come off
steups..what a load of hogwash....steups.. Why do our politician embarass themselves time and time again??? Why do they think that we are fools. Nice try Mr.PM, but come better than that!
Real people wanna kill him even my little cuzzies less than 10yrs wanna kill him lol . i think he just looking for attention btw why he going gym 3;30 in the morning
This was all a distraction to avoid any questions relating to the 1990 coup... manning have ways of getting things pass by but people are not stupid.. They catching up with him...

He also had the nerve to say that he has CONFIDENCE on the Ministry of National Security for his protection... The people in this country don't confidence in the National Security so who is he to say that...
So this just die down just so, Mr manning just want people to feel sorry for him so that he could get away from all the bad choices he made he know that alot of the PNM followers are questioning his leadership especially the younger ones
he tryin to get d attention of Panday's supporters in Couva constituency!!! he kissin babies like he hav spare lips...lets c if he says d date for local election
Its only near to election time they does come to do that you don't see them any other time. He living in his mansion you think he will come to out of luxury so he coming to fool us again with the false promises and people will still believe
I just hope one day citizens choose to vote on the real issues instead of race politics. Just vote for who you think will run the country for the benefit of all citizens, because in the end crime, poverty, high food prices and terrible medical help affecting everyone, not just other races.
people should stop racism and focus on the bigger picture which is vote for someone who will see you the country's needs and can spend tax money wisely and treat you with respect and honesty. Don't vote for someone just because they have the same skin and colour as you thats bullcrap. we grow up in a multicultural society not a war zone because everyone were treated like shit long time by the whites
Exactly. And the thing is, everyone pretty much gets along during the course of the year, we all party together...but when it comes to politics, there are battle lines drawn, and this only show that the parties are creating the rifts, when they should be trying to unite the people.
The politicians themselves feed on the race issue. Its they, that seek to seed it deep into our phsychi. The issue of race has always been part of our culture. Its that very issue that politician feed on in order to garner support. We tolerate each other during the year like TFM stated, but as soon as it come down to politics, it's different. Another issue is that, when the matri-archs of our families, vote because of the race factor, it rubs off on the generations after. E.g. You mother and father are die-hard PNM-ites or UNC-ites etc. More often that not, their children are sure to follow. They don't really form their own opinion on any issues because they're constantly brain-washed with the ranting of either support or dis-like of a particular party by their parents. I see that finally people are being cautious and weighing in the true issues when they go to the ballot. These politicians are seeing this for themselves and therefore desperately trying to seed the race/discrimination propoganda as far as possible, because they know that the majority of their support base is based on the issue of race, not support for their actual performance.
I not saying anything but a typical eg. is when the PNM go to the beetham and laventille area for votes and UNC go to the Penal and Couva side for votes....I think thats just bribe
Its the usual hooplah..Manning style!!! He's diverting our attention to take the heat off of the whole Calder Hart/ Uff Report/ Udecott issues... and yet again, we fell for it. That man is a magician.....