Manning Gone. :(

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RauCous said:
HAHA lol like liming buddies.
That sad to call a election and loss so bad..

its sad but not surprising..its really not about Manning but instead of what he represents..he represents corruption and a sense of dictatorship and people was fed up so they vote him out. If another leader was to do the same i believe they wll be voted out just as badly as Manning was voted out..Chambers lost the 1986 election worse than Manning (he even lost his own seat)..pnm won 3 out of 36 seats in 1986, and now they won 12 out of 41 seats in 2010..
Question: What Does A Maxi Taxi and the PNM have in Common

Taken from another site

Omg... Did You Put A ":(" Emoticon After "Manning Gone".. Wtf?!?!.. You Suppose To Put>>> :Yea:
LMAO....... The PNM HAS Done some good things but they've done so much worse that made it overule the good