
Less than a week and a few kilometres away from the scene of a mass shooting at a San Fernando bar where pensioner Stephen Pope was killed, a man was caughtwhile trying to slip away from police’s detection with a loaded firearm.
San Fernando CID and Southern Division Task Force spent most of Friday night into Saturday morning manning Cipero Street, where there were reports of fights and bottles being thrown outside bars.
A report stated that around 5.20 am, Sgt Dinoo, PC Dookie, PC Griffith and PC Narine went into Bartender’s Bar and while making a routine check, they observed a 28-year-old Pleasantville man suddenly get up from the table he was drinking on and walked towards the door. The officers stopped and searched the man and found on him a .9 mm Luger pistol loaded with 12 rounds of ammunition.
Investigators believe that they stopped a serious crime from being committed by the suspect.
Officers said that legislation should be implemented for bars to close their doors between by midnight to assist in reducing the amount of alcohol-induced lawlessness that occurs during these hours. They said their time would be better spent protecting citizens who want to rest safely in their homes.
On August 12, Pope, 65, was shot in his the front porch of his home when gunmen opened fire on patrons in the Hashtag Lounge along Cipero Street, which was located under his home.
Four others—John Charles, 23, John Mark Ashford, 27, Anthony Mitchell, 32, and Elon Chatterpaul, 25, were also injured during the shooting.
Crime scene investigators recovered 35 spent shells were recovered from the scene of the crime.