Man follows ex to England and murdered her!!!

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Active Member
Jun 16, 2008
Paul was involve with camille about a year ago but things did not work out well for them so camille left Trinidad and got a work in England.... However paul was so distrub about what i don't know..... He got into a plane and found out where camille lived and stab her to death...Her parents are in Trinidad but no comments were made by them....Paul is lucky to be alive after stabbing camille to death, he got into a car accident.... BUt he's now in jail in England no bail thank god....
wat kinda love is dat.,,,why u did not kill hemself too........he is such an big ass..........
Thats is very sad why do people have to turn to murder in cases lke these if you really love some one will you kill them. Why not try to reason with them talk to them hmm. People just sad yes
it goes to show how love can turn a person to become a devil......Becareful who u date!!!!
I wonder how you can tell the difference between real love and obsession....
I never meet an obsessive person before... :non: ................or may be I did and I didn't even know... :Confused:
hi resha u wont acknowledge ur obsessive friend meeeee. umm lol no. that is scary yo leave all the way tt to kill some1 pshh that dude had money to waste
Love drives people crazy as they say and it does as in this case, but love is just a word its what you do or feel is whats matters. And this what happened here is not love but hate and murderous intentions
i would've made his life a living hell in spirit form after he did that to me!! people would think he mentally retarded
People do strange things to act out ..... yuh have to wonder what does drive them to do such act....
i think somin have to trip in ur brain. hmmm i think ppl that kill animals are dangerous ppl. but seriously how can u just so take a person life thats soo gayy. like wat i say the high cost of livin is death
I'm thinking he always had a controlling nature to him. Thats why she left and so far away too. He obviously planned alot of this out. He may have tripped when they broke up but he was always that evil.. we're just seeing the end result.
I beleive too that he tripped but how could he stay calm during his flight from T&T to England.... Did no one saw that???? There's so much to learn about people's behaviour.... Its so cool!!!!!!!