Making Resolutions Happen

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Active Member
Nov 10, 2014
Let's share ideas and motivational tips to make some of these resolutions happen! Teamwork is better than struggling to stick to your goals alone! Scroll down to whatever you're interested in and add more tips if you can! What else are we missing? Let's make these resolutions happen! :cheer2::grouphug:

For those who want to give more:

-NALIS accepts book donations for new or used books in good conditions. Just go to your local library, tell them you'd like to donate some books, and they'll usually check them on the spot and take them one time.

-For children's books and toys: ask your local daycare, pre-school, after-school program, children's activity center, religious activity center, community center, children's homes, or community group if they will accept them. You can also go to your nearest social services building and ask to meet with a social worker who can accept the donations on behalf of any less fortunate clients. Ask your friends and family if they know anyone in need and you can also give through them.

-For gently used clothes, shoes, bags, etc.: Contact a community group, religious group, or social worker and they will usually accept it on behalf of those less fortunate. You can also give to children's homes, battered victims homes, homeless shelters, the Salvation Army, and to local families in need.

-Hospital hampers: There are many hospital patients (eg. elderly, burn victims, AIDS patients, etc.) who are left in the hospital and are never picked up or have no one to return home too. For whatever the details of their personal cases, many do not have someone to bring them the essential supplies they should have while being hospitalized in the public health care facilities. You can either collaborate with a local religious/youth/community group or contact a member of hospital staff and do this on your own. Usually items given include: toothbrush, toothpaste, soap, towel, wash cloth, toilet paper and sometimes include: slippers, change of clothes, water, snack/fruit.

For those who want to eat healthier:
-Get rid of all the unhealthy items in your house so you won't be tempted to eat them.

-Make a list of different healthy meal options (breakfast, lunch, dinner, snacks, drinks) and stock up on ingredients or keep supplies on hand.

-Make this goal together with a friend (or a group of friends!) and have a buddy system where you check up on each other and encourage each other through.

-Get a full check-up from your health professional including blood work, pressure etc and ask for his/her advice on guidelines for eating healthier catering to your health stats. (Very important! Some people do not think they have sugar or blood pressure issues and are surprised by tests!)

For those who want to workout more:
-Get a full check-up from your health professional including blood work, pressure etc and ask for his/her advice on being more physically fit catering to your health stats. (Very important! Issues like diabetes, anemia, blood pressure problems etc require careful monitoring and proper knowledge when it comes to physical fitness.)

-Find a workout buddy (or a few!). Check up on each other, keep each other going, and workout together if possible.

-Look into different workout options. You may not jive with a particular exercise, but that doesn't mean you should give up on exercising completely! Ask your friends and family or someone you know who seems fit/healthy what they use. Check out aerobics, running, jogging, pilates, yoga, zumba, dancing, barre, hiit, the list goes on!

-Put together an awesome workout playlist to motivate you. Ask others what works for them if you're stuck and need some inspiration.

-Find a warm-up and cool-down routine to stretch out your muscles before and after exercising to minimize injuries. If you find one you're more comfortable with or even enjoy, you'll be less likely to avoid your workout.

-If you can't go to a gym, find a convenient spot at home to do your workout. There are many forms of exercise you can do at home with little or even no equipment. Once you pick out your spot, that's just one more little commitment to your fitness goal!

For those who want to improve their relationships:
-Pick out a regularly time (weekly, fortnightly, monthly) to have some one on one time. Do not discuss other people, events, work, etc at this time. Just talk to each other and enjoy each others company. Ask each other questions and listen to the answers; learn about each other, appreciate each other more and watch your relationship grow.

-Check out something like the 5 love languages. This one in particular also has a mobile app.
I like this! Sharing it on the Facebook page. I need to do a lot of these....hopefully I have the willpower. lol
For those who want to purify their minds and rid stressful and negative emotion:

Just cut out any and all thoughts of the people or things causing the problem for a little while. Sleep on it.