Magistrate’s Sister Killed By Mistake

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The twin sister of magistrate Carl Quamina was murdered by a gunman who sprayed her body with bullets on Friday night.

Carla Quamina, 55, of Greenwich and Sellier Street, Foster Road, Sangre Grande, was shot several times about the body in her living room and died instantly.

Police said the mother of five, an employee with Sangre Grande Regional Corporation, was in the upper floor of her home and had just come out the washroom when the gunman opened fire on her.

Eyewitnesses reported that some men were liming at Quamina’s home when a lone gunman approached them. Two of the men ran into the house to evade the gunman, who pursued them inside. One of the two men being pursued jumped through the window of the house and hid outside, while the other hid behind a wardrobe. However, Quamina, unaware of what was happening, walked into her living room and the gunman, assuming it was the men he was pursuing, opened fire. The gunman then walked down the staircase, out the yard and disappeared along Sellier Street.

Police officers led by ASP Marion Robain and officers of Eastern Division Task Force responded and cordoned off the crime scene area. Homicide Region 2 officers, led by Cpl Seecharan and including PCs Ali and Andrew, processed the scene and recovered 11 9mm shells inside the house. District Medical Officer Dr Belgrave viewed the body and ordered its removal to Sangre Grande mortuary, from where it will be taken to Forensic Sciences Centre, St James, for a post-mortem tomorrow.

When T&T Guardian visited the bereaved family at their home yesterday there was sadness in the atmosphere as relatives and friends gathered to mourn her untimely death and prepare for her wake.

Her daughter Akemia said they had gone to Trincity Mall earlier on Friday.

“We had fun as we ran from store to store to purchase clothes for her Toco Old Boys’ fete carded for tonight (Saturday). We returned home and relaxed until about 8.30pm when I decided to leave my mother’s home and bid her goodnight.

“As I was walking down the step she called out to me and said ‘doh forget to fix my pants 2 inches on the waist as I have to use them tomorrow tonight for Toco Old Boys Fete.

“This was the last time I spoke to my mother. She was really excited to go to the fete, but all excitement turned into drama as my mother was shot by a man, who seems to be afraid of women,” she said.

Quamina’s sister Franka said her sister went through hell in her early days and was now beginning to enjoy her life, attending functions and parties.

Franka said she got a call around 11.15 pm Friday with news of the tragedy and had to hold on to a nearby chair to prevent herself from fainting.

“I was shocked traumatised by the news and could not believe that my sister who I spoke with just two hours ago is dead. Nah this cannot be true. I only believed what was told to me when I arrived at my mom’s home and they were weeping.”

Efforts to contact Carla’s twin brother Magistrate Carl Quamina were unsuccessful.

Sangre Regional Corporation chairman Terry Rondon visited the home and offered condolences to the family. Speaking to the Sunday Guardian afterwards, he said the Municipal police and TTPS were working very hard to protect the people of the region but people were coming from the outside and committing crimes.

He said he the issue will be discussed with all stakeholders at a town meeting at the Matura High School starting from 6.30 pm.

Cpl Seecharan of Homicide Bureau Region 2 Arouca is continuing investigations.

Quamina’s murder took the toll for the year to 319.
