Longdenville Police Post Is A Waste Of Time


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Jul 25, 2015

The Longdenville Police Post is a waste of time. We have called on numerous occasions over the space of a year and a half about our neighbours that has a weed block & smoking and trafficking weed. They are also in possession of illegal firearms. The neighbour’s house is 1 street away from the Police Post and WALKING DISTANCE.
Every time we called they said they will dispatch someone but no one ever came. We also called when the people were smoking blatantly outside and brandishing their firearms and they didn’t care enough to come. Every 2 days they have road blocks outside our street but never bother to walk 8 houses down to where the people are.
I also tried calling the WORST CRIME HOTLINE IN THIS WORLD 800-TIPS and they were of no use. If you feel these people care THINK AGAIN! A lady answered the phone like it’s her house phone “Hello”. I had to ask if this was the correct number. When I explained her situation she told me to go to the Police Station and make a report. I asked her HOW MUCH REPORTS I WILL MAKE! Until one of our neighbours are raped, gunned down, shot or injured, wait? They will still not take us seriously! I am fedup and frustrated.