Littering In Trinidad And Tobago

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Staff member
Jan 23, 2008
Nearly every you turn, you will see some one trowing out littler from their cars, when walking on the roads and in public and private areas. Trinidad and Tobago is so small and the rate we going it will be an disgusting site to see.
All on our beaches, coast lines nature wonders littered, why is it that we are doing this why can't we just use a bad and put all out disposable items in them instead of littering the scenery. Come on T&T we can do better than that.
Littering? what about from cars and especially on the highway or major roads..I think that the government should implement stopping stations off the highway to dispose of garbage from vehicles. It have those in the UK, would love to see them here especially with our mentality
any empty box of food or any other waste toss out of a car will be $500 fine.....littering has been raised from the $50 to $500. and 147 men and women were trained for 4 weeks in the waste disposal laws of Trinidad and Tobago.....these litter wardens will have the responsibility of maintaining and upholding these laws and will have the power to initiate legal proceedings against anyone who refuses to comply with their instructions.....i would like to ask u guys if the wardens are out and about doing their work coz i'm seeing lots of unwanted wast dumped all over trinidad....can someone say if this programme still exist...
We have litter wardens ? I have never seen one here in my life! We need a highway litter warden
Yes there are Litter Wardens. Like everything else, it isn't enforced nor are the Wardens themselves 'patrolling'. I have never seen a Litter Warden.
Nobody cares. Everybody wants their personal space clean and nobody wants to hold garbage. Change that mentality and then we can have some progress.
Yes there are Litter Wardens. Like everything else, it isn't enforced nor are the Wardens themselves 'patrolling'. I have never seen a Litter Warden.
Nobody cares. Everybody wants their personal space clean and nobody wants to hold garbage. Change that mentality and then we can have some progress.

i agree 100% with your statement , i myself have never seen these litter wardens! are they being paid to do so? if this is the case ,the government needs to re-evaluate the situation with their employees of the state, and i dont think that the litter wardens are CEPEP are they? now seriously the mentality of trini people need to change, starting at home! everyone these days either have maid to clean up after them, or someone does always clean up their mess! being raised in the old fashioned way, i was taught to keep my space clean, tidy and organised, this littering needs to be addressed from the stem!
No, CEPEP is/are not Litter Wardens. These Wardens are public servants, being paid by the state.
In the US they have litter wardens that patrol on bicycles through parks , beaches etc. and fine people for littering or warn people.

They even have fishing wardens to stop people from catching small fishes and to see your fishing permits. We trinis like to keep every fish we catch and carry them home and keep them for months in the freezer and when it spoils, they are thrown away. Steups!
Litter wardens are news to me too. I keep a little bag or container for garbage in any vehicle I am in. I do not tolerate litter at all. If an animal sees a plastic bag or container and mistakes it for food due to the smell or sheer curiosity, that costs a life right there due to people's laziness. Plus plastic takes so long to decompose (if it does at all) no one's exactly sure how long it takes to break down into compost (if it does at all) though estimates have been given at 400 years. If that were the case (and it may not be) that's 400 years of life threatening litter because someone can't be bothered to dispose of their garbage like a civilized human being with a conscience and opposable thumbs.
Littering has been hurting our precious leather back turtles as well. Too much of them are dying due to consuming these plastic waste. Even reefs are becoming polluted. When most of our environmental landscapes and animals are becoming extinct due to pollution then trini people might open their eyes
Yes, yes, yes! I get so annoyed when I see people going turtle watching, claiming to "help", and (forget how they treat the poor animals - that's another story) the litter they leave on the beach is ridiculous!!!
the littering in this country has gotten so out of hand eh, and it contributing to the horrible flooding people experiencing! but they want to blame the government for everything! i mean come on, is the government 100% at fault for the flooding problem, or is it that people to lazy to find a bin these days?
I wonder how many people actually bother cleaning out their gutters and drainage pipes etc, especially before or even during flood season?
So true! Just now people will expect Kamla to put on a tall boots and come clean their drains for them. lmao
well you know how it goes...if anyone ever has a problem it somehow always ties back in to being the government's fault! I've heard people look at litter and steups, making comments about "why the government don't do something about this" etc. Not so much "we really need to stop littering/start cleaning up after ourselves" or "this place is a mess. Let's organize a clean-up and spread awareness of how littering affects the environment etc". I know there are beach clean ups here and there, but not enough in my opinion, with regards to both how often and how many places are targeted.