lies women tell

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Active Member
Jun 10, 2008
1. "I'm not mad at you." 2. "I don't mind if you go to strip clubs with the boys."3. "I'm just not ready for a boyfriend right now."4. "I don't mind picking up the tab tonight; you always pay anyway."5. "That was f*cking great!".Now that you know the five lies all women tell, be on the lookout for them, and react accordingly. Once she learns that you can't be tricked, she'll be more straightforward with you in the future.
Every girl I've ever liked told me " I'm just not ready for a boyfriend" or " Singleness rocks" or " I can live without one" :| :0 :(
How the hell do you tell when she's lying or not? lol. I'm sure they were covering thier bases ( in more ways than one lol) trying to keep me pacified or in check or something.
But what if they were trying to not sound desparate! Meh.. who i kiddin.. i try not to be presumptous by assuming the opposite. lol.
I dont know how to tell.. :(
Awww one other thing is when you ask "are you alright" they always say "yes" ITS A LIE FOR SOME GIRLS LOL
or "do you want something to eat" and they say "no" which means they are real hungry
If you think your woman would never lie to you, guess again. From little white lies to the more serious variety, most women will curtail the truth at some point in a relationship. Her motivation for lying can stem from wanting to protect your feelings or, sure enough, to save her own butt. Whatever the reason eg * your girlfriend may not be lying when she tells you that she loves spending time with your family. However, if she secretly despises them, she probably won't tell you in order to spare your feelings, *She'll say that she really doesn't mind picking up the dirty dishes you leave lying around and that she just loves doing the laundry *pretending she loves your friends etc.
yes back to d lies i always hear them saying "Oh, this old thing? I just threw it on!”, “I don’t normally do this…”, and "I’ve been with only one guy but nothing serious!”.
madsuya said:
If you think your woman would never lie to you, guess again. From little white lies to the more serious variety, most women will curtail the truth at some point in a relationship. Her motivation for lying can stem from wanting to protect your feelings or, sure enough, to save her own butt. Whatever the reason eg * your girlfriend may not be lying when she tells you that she loves spending time with your family. However, if she secretly despises them, she probably won't tell you in order to spare your feelings,.

I love Admin's family . they are so fun and friendly and understanding and totally opposite to my family. I think that when a man/woman lies about liking her mates family then there will always some kind of secret to keep and sometimes she /he would try to turn him/her against them. i saw this already happen in my family
dont get me wrog but some women drives me crazy wit their womanly attitude and blinkey eyes for wat they want , i never got anything without workin hard for it ,and its easy for some to lie their way through life. its amazin out there , life is just about lies now!!!
Some women tell alot of lies like " i was at the hairdresser"
" i was out with the girls "
" thats the cable guy"
" thats the gardener" lol just be real sure that they were when they tell u this
Nah Rau good Girls out there are becoming rare to find. but never give up i learnt that bcuz look who i found :)
always remember to be yourself wit d ladies ok and u will kno . if ur always uncomfortable and have to lie , thats not d person for u. move on doh matter how much it hurts , lies just continues and continues into years until its d norm , trust me i know wat ah talkin bout.!!!
When a woman supposedly anytime you are calling to talk to her is one the phone with an unknown friend..well thats someone else she will not be talkingh to a girl friend everyday trust me
:0... => stupid question <=
: When a girl acts all flirty and clingy, calls you, emails you even when you'll never respond, talks to you on msn, <in real life too lol>, accuses you of crushing on her friends, accuses of not <liking> her, gets uber emotional - uber hurt and uber sensitive... but somehow still interested in your (my) well being <as she sees it > yet makes a mockery of your quirks.. what is she on? is she:
A: emotionally needy
B: An eater who lives on attention and drama
C: Really interested but cautious
D: Intentionally evil and manipulative
E: Unaware of your <my> true motives
F: A potato
G: All of the above
H: Too friendly for her <my> own good
I: None of the above.. not even close..
J: A girl.. duhh.
C And J And she wants you to feel the way she does about you and likes you duhh lol
I will say B... she craves for ur attention which yuh not giving her.....
Yeah but she likes him why would a girl does all these things and even worry if he likes her friends
today i lied to save my arse, an u know wat ah will do it all over again if ah have to. coz thats being a woman!!!
How ya could forget

*You can tell me, I promise I won't get upset.

*Money is not important to me.

*I wouldn't change a thing about you.

kill3r said:
*You can tell me, I promise I won't get upset.

*Money is not important to me.

*I wouldn't change a thing about you.

wait until ur married and then u see how these applies