Lgbt Discrimination In T&t

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Jun 9, 2008
Some people say we cannot accept this in Trinidad & Tobago and that it's against their religion . Government don't want to pass the bill because next year election, people won't vote for them. I might get hate for this, but it's time to wake up and realize that more people are coming out of the closet and we have to deal with them. Like anything uncomfortable, we throw it under the rug and hope it never comes back out but these are people with feelings. I don't have any hate towards LGBT people but i will admit i feel weird with the PDA in public. When people in your life comes out as LGBT, you have no question but to deal with it and accept the fact. What you guys think about this situation? Would you rather loose a close friend or family member than accept them for who they are??

On the other hand ..This is how far things are reaching ! For those of you who do not know Jowelle she is a transgender and have a big heart ! She recently got a president's award for her work on fighting for animal rights and charity. Look at our trini mentality


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Our laws can still debar a non-national known to be LBGT from entering the country. This place never serious (unless is Ebola threatening Carnival, smh)
People of this country need to wake up and realize this is a new world where long time mentality needs to be destroyed. Yes people are gay, bisexual, lesbian and transgender .. You cannot see God or hear from him, but you can see/hear from LGBT people on a daily basis. Yes it is uncomfortable but as a nation we need to be mature and move on from this
The hate just makes it harder for LGBT people to feel comfortable with who they really are, but does not change their sexual orientation. If someone has a specific sexual orientation, no amount of hate or misinformed religious lectures can change that. Even if someone is confused or curious, they are entitled to make such personal decisions themselves. There was a time belly button exposure was considered too risque. Ditto for women wearinging pants, or appearing in the media at all. People have progressed to now taking those things for granted. It's time for LGBT acceptance to reach that stage.
The time is passing and we again being Trinis, would always be behind and late to implement anything. This government claimed that they are "modern" and trying to "change laws/stigmas of society" . What now? Why haven't they addressed this? In keeping modern times, these are real issues before hand and delaying dealing with them would create a stressed society where members are not free to express themselves. This would eventually lead to alot of unnecessary drama
I saw a video some time back....I think it was in Jamaica though. A young man (gay) was jeered at and insulted by a crowd that filled a parking lot (including those climbing on top of vehicles) when he tried to go shopping. Luckily the shop owners allowed him to enter their shop and locked their doors to anyone else, waiting until police escorts arrived to help him leave. The behavior of the crowd (men, women, children) were beyond disgusting, even in the presence of police escorts. I can't imagine how traumatizing that must be to experience just because you live in such an narrow-minded bigoted part of the world. To me Trinidad is no different.
Honestly i see where you both are coming from but think about this: what if it causes a societal imbalance and we have less reproduction occurring than needed to sustain our population then what? We become extinct.
Granted that society always balances itself it's unlikely to occur but it still doesnt make it right.
Yeah we should cater for acceptance after all they are human, theyre just stoned for being themselves something society is afraid of doing for itself.
All the same i still dont think it is right but i wont shun any such person for doing what they believe in or acting on how they feel.
I'm glad you wouldn't shun them but I think the extinction theory is a great misconception. I can list sources if you like with statistics proving that homosexuality is not leading (and will not lead) to extinction. As the world is, we are dealing with more and more countries being overpopulated (eg overflowing orphanages and children's homes, homeless children). In recent times, people are becoming more educated on matters of sexual health and family planning, which has been shown to increase standards of living and assist societal balance. Yet this still does not null the reality of father/motherless children, children growing up on the street etc. Even heterosexual couples face a very real threat of infertility and in the same way options such as adoption, foster children, sperm/egg donation, and surrogacy for example, are available to heterosexuals, it is also available to members of the LGBT community in certain countries. Take into consideration there are also people that deliberately choose not to have children (LGBT or not) for their own reasons and this has not negatively affected population counts (intentional or unwanted childlessness) thus far.

Also, LGBT has always existed. We now refer to these members of society as "LGBT" but there wasn't always such a name to reference. Throughout history and even to this day, people lead double lives to hide their true selves, or live a lifetime trying to pretend to be something they can't, or are shunned or harmed for being open and honest. Dating back beyond Shakespeare....actually back even to the B.C. era, "LGBT" has existed, and yet homo-sapiens continues to thrive as a species, thousands of years later. In fact, I think the biggest threat to our existence is what people in general are doing to the environment. In my book, sexuality is in no way wrong, a threat, a crime, etc. and I believe that one's sexuality or self-identification should be a universal human right.
You are right about that. Its not necessarily a misconception its just a theory that if more and more people do it, it could present an unnatural threat but theory is often incorrect.

They are people in their own entities and should be regarded as such.
As for whether this country can accept such people well they already are doing it they just dont realise it and that is what makes the difference.
True. I think the key lies with current and up and coming generations. We dictate the future by our words and actions, which mold society for the next generation. I think the more tolerance, understanding, and acceptance we teach, the better, even if they don't realize it.
Well we at least hope so. Throughout the ages, small to big to old following society these days. Theres hardly any control and influence over trini society these days.
Normal doesnt apply to trinidads society lol.

It leaves one to wonder if Trinidad and Tobago is really ready for such.
Trinidad has a "follow-fashion" reputation that can hopefully be put to use in following the more developed countries in the world's approach of acceptance and peace instead of striving to copy the negative in the world. One big step in the right direction would be for people to stop using derogatory homophobic words and phrases as passing comments, references, and "jokes". It's not "funny", it should never be condoned as "normal", and it should not be accepted or encouraged. If it is meant to be negative, hurtful, or insulting, then that's exactly what it is: bullying in general.
Well the follow fashion is what has Trinidad as it is. Only some elements are copied. So i really don't see locals accepting this anytime soon but maybe youre right.

True, it is not good to make such references, it can hurt even if its genuinely a joke sometimes jokes do offend.
I don't think such comments are jokes at all. In the same way derogatory racial and sexist comments are offensive, so are these. You mostly see people on the unchallenged end of the spectrum making such comments eg. many men joke amongst themselves referring to women as sluts, b*tches, hags, nags, whores, the dumber sex etc and while it may be amusing and normal to them within their conversation, if spoken to any self-respecting woman it would be seen as extremely rude, disrespectful, misogynistic, and profoundly offensive. If any term would not be seen in a positive light in the face of those it supposedly describes or is aimed at, then it isn't a joke at all, but another way to keep bigotry on the down low.
Precisely, but you have to consider that locals these days dont really care, they offend and laugh when they hurt other people.
Precisely, but you have to consider that locals these days dont really care, they offend and laugh when they hurt other people.

True. That's a big problem I have with Trinidad in general. The lack of sensitivity, empathy, understanding, and acceptance is all a joke until it hits one of them home. Then they feel it and suddenly realize it's a problem. Even so, most would only consider it a problem to their loved ones alone and carry on with ignorance with the rest of society.
True. That's a big problem I have with Trinidad in general. The lack of sensitivity, empathy, understanding, and acceptance is all a joke until it hits one of them home. Then they feel it and suddenly realize it's a problem. Even so, most would only consider it a problem to their loved ones alone and carry on with ignorance with the rest of society.
Yes we are bullies in Trinidad. This type of thing is too common in high schools especially.
Yes we are bullies in Trinidad. This type of thing is too common in high schools especially.

Not all, but true about high schools! High school can be a very difficult time alone without the judgement, criticism, and jeering. I don't think society even looks at that, or the fact that the students in schools (any age school) are learning it from their families at home and people in their society. As it is unconsciously drilled into them as "normal", this molds them into adults and the whole thing is repeated with their kids and so on.