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Jun 10, 2008
Station of the Cross..........14

1......Jesus is condemned to death
11....Jesus takes up his cross
111...Jesus falls the first time
1v....Jesus meets his blessed mother
v......Simon of Cyrene helps Jesus carry his cross
v1.....Veronica wipes the face of Jesus
v11....Jesus falls for the second time
v111....The women of Jerusalem mourn for Jesus
1x....Jesus falls for the third time
x......Jesus is stripped of his clothes
x1.....Jesus is nailed to the cross
x11....Jesus died on the cross
x111 Jesus is taken down from the cross
x1v.....Jesus is placed in the tomb
Lent is a season of 40 days before Easter that begins on Ash Wednesday. On Ash Wednesday we receive ashes to remainders us to be better followers of Jesus. It is also a time to pray and repent, a time to show more love and care.

LENT turn the letters around
L - stands for Turn
N - stands for Now
E - stands for every thing that is evil
T - stands for lord Jesus
Turn now every thing that is evil and turn to Lord Jesus.

we need to be honest with everyone
listen and respond to the needs of others
show compassion and love
value every individual.
for lent i am giving up facebook because its one of today's deadliest addictions and by deadly i mean its addictive, manipulative and taking time away from jesus
Catholic Mass normally held for parishioners at the Cathedral of Immaculate Conception, Port-of-Spain, is expected to be transferred this Easter Monday to the Sacred Heart Church, corner of Richmond and Sackville streets. This was revealed by Vicar of Communication of the Catholic Church, Monsignor Cuthbert Alexander yesterday
A decision was taken to shutter the cathedral after project engineers revealed that parts of the roof were in a dilapidated condition. The restoration project was launched in October 2010. The launch of the Archbishop’s Appeal Fund, to raise funds for restoration of the cathedral followed shortly after
Maundy Thursday (Holy Thursday):A new commandment I give to you, that you love one another; even as I have loved you, you also ought to love one another. By this everyone will know that you are my disciples, if you have love for one another. lrb2011heaven
The symbol of the cross is more popular now than ever before, thanks to a proliferation of celebrities such as rappers 50 Cent, Eminem and Jadakiss, who flaunt the symbol as part of their “bling” in their music videos. Others like Disney star Miley Cyrus, actress Nicole Richie and singers Mary J Blige, Rihanna and Justin Timberlake, have taken things a step further, tattooing the religious symbol onto their bodies. Then there are those like hip hop superstar, Lil Wayne, who have opted to do both. In the Christian faith, the cross is sacred. It signifies Jesus Christ’s ultimate sacrifice in which he was crucified on the cross to save the world from eternal damnation. However, many religious leaders lament that the significance of the cross is fast becoming blurred in today’s modern society.
The Easter Cross is the symbol of life over death, triumph over evil.
As Christians around the world join hands in celebrating Easter, the cross and what it really represents has once again catapulted into the spotlight. According to Roman Catholic Priest, Father Gregory Augustine, Easter is “the highest point” of the Christian faith and the cross is the ultimate demonstration of God’s power and should be given the reverence it deserves. “The cross was the symbol of degradation. It was the means by which the Romans used to execute people. So in modern language, Jesus was in fact executed. But now, it becomes a symbol of our salvation. That is why Easter is the most important point of the Christian life. It’s an even bigger feast than Christmas,” he said. “If there was no sacrifice we would not be saved ... There would be no reason for hope, no reason to live. But through the cross our salvation was won.”
According to Anglican Bishop Claude Berkley, while the significance of the cross is not being lost, there are attempts to “sanitise its effect.” He concurred that the cross and other religious symbols, were being promoted as fashion accessories and “the in thing.” “We live in a world of style and cosmetics so there is some attempt to make it stylish. But the regular processes like perseverance, toil and sacrifice will not allow the message of the cross to be lost,” he said. While there was a pre-Christian understanding of the cross, Bishop Berkley said, for the past 2,000 years it had been the cornerstone of the Christian faith. “It is the gateway which led us to see that those who supported injustice, power struggles and humanity’s brokenness, were wrong. By the process of sacrifice we will have redemption. The last word is God’s,” he asserted. “The cross is essential to what we are about. The cross has been a premiere symbol of the sacrifice that was offered for the salvation of humanity. That is the means by which Christ surrendered his life to give us salvation. At Easter we see the aftermath of the cross. It’s a reminder that God isn’t finished with us yet.”
Salt fish Scallop
500 g (1 lb 2 ozs) salted fish (shark), skinless fillets
1 kg (2.2 lbs) potatoes
2 large tomatoes
2 eggs
2 large sweet peppers, pared and cubed
120 g (1/2 cup) butter
60 g onions, chopped
120 g cheese, grated
120 g bread crumbs
Green seasonings
salt, to taste
n Serves six

1. Soak salted shark overnight, or place in boiling water for five minutes and then strip and flake while warm.
2. Boil potatoes with a dash of salt.
3. Boil eggs. Dice seasonings including one sweet pepper.
4. Coarsely flake salted shark.
5. Sauté salted fish and seasonings using some of the butter.
6. Crush potatoes and mix with butter, milk and seasonings.
7. Line dish with crushed potato.
8. Place half of fish on the potato, adding sliced tomatoes, eggs and sweet peppers onto the fish.
9. Add remainder sautéed mixture and cover with potato.
10. Sprinkle mixture of bread crumbs and cheese on the top.
11. Preheat oven. Bake at 175°C (350°F) for 45 minutes.
12. Remove from heat and serve warm.
hey like yuh try ting here ! tell meh if you make it
Easter...Christians celebrate the resurrection of Jesus Christ from the dead and the new life he give them..the priest wears white to mass to show Joy in new life...
Easter Tridum..... This is the most important time of the church year..beginning on holy Thursday and ending Easter Sunday night..we remember Jesus saving the earth and resurrection...
Lent is quickly approaching... anyone fasting this year?
Lent —Lent is a time of abstinence and penance for Christians, to help purify the body and soul. It lasts for 40 days, from Ash Wednesday to the Thursday before Easter.”
According to Pope Benedict XVI, who is both political head of the Vatican City State in Rome and religious head of the Catholic Church, Lent is “a pilgrimage of repentance, conversion and renewal.”
“The Church’s Lenten discipline is meant to help deepen our life of faith…we may draw nearer to the Lord … and conquer the desert of our spiritual aridity, selfishness and materialism.”
The 40-day period of Lent echoes the 40 days during which Jesus, as a younger man, is said to have fought temptation from the Devil and fasted in the desert before the start of his public preaching ministry from 27 - 30 AD. So Lent can have several meanings: it reminds Christians of the value of sacrifice, reflection and soul-searching, as well as marking the period before resurrection — whether a physical rebirth of life from a deathly state, or a personal, symbolic rebirth from an unaware, empty life to a life of more meaning and understanding....
During Lent, Orthodox Christians pray, do penance, repent, give to the poor, and deny their appetites. In the early Church before the 14th century, Lent in Europe was observed with a “Black Fast” of strictly no more than one meal a day after sunset, with no meat, dairy, oil or wine. Contemporary Christians have adapted the idea of abstinence, using temporary or selective fasting, or giving up non-food items or pleasurable habits.....
There are parallels between the fasting of Christian Lent and other faiths. The Bahais fast during March, to aid spiritual growth; the Vinaya Buddhists fast everyday after the noon meal, to aid meditation and to promote routine good health; Protestants believe in optional fasting, as a choice rather than an obligation; Jews, like Christians, fast as a means of repentance, especially during Yom Kippur (their Day of Atonement — a 25-hour period of total fasting and intense prayer); and for Hindus, fasting is an integral part of life, often practised for personal reasons or during the nine days of Navratri, just before Divali, when the Divine Mother is worshipped..........
In Islam, fasting for the month of Ramadan is obligatory, to promote humility, self-control, God-awareness, and truthfulness. Ramadan fasting aims to boost self-discipline and purification, whereas Lent fasting focuses more on atoning for sins. In all of Trinidad’s current major faiths, however - Christianity, Hinduism and Islam — fasting is believed to help spiritual concentration. As the Christian priest Father Elias Mallon says.....
“Fasting is closely connected to prayer and contemplation. It is the setting aside of the ordinary that allows the believer to focus on the transcendent.”........
The final Sunday before Easter is known as Palm Sunday, which marks the start of the Holy Week.......
The Wednesday, Thursday, and Friday of Holy Week commemorate some of the final episodes in Jesus Christ's life. Spy Wednesday encourages us to take pause and acknowledge the day Judas spied on Christ before betraying him, Maundy Thursday (or Holy Thursday) remembers Christ's Last Supper with his disciples, and Good Friday commemorates the day that Jesus Christ was crucified on a cross outside what is now Old Jerusalem during the fourth decade of the first century AD........
Easter Sunday celebrates the resurrection of Christ, and allows observers of Lent to feast and break their fasts........
Lent can be a period of reflection and humility for all, but even if it isn't, be nicer to your friends who are observing it during this period........
On the night before Jesus was crucified, Judas Iscariot, one of his disciples betrayed his location to the authorities. Jesus was arrested and taken before Pontius Pilate then King Herod, before being committed to death on a cross by Pilate on the Friday..........
The Bible tells of the day Jesus died in Matthew chapters 26 and 27......Mark chapters 14 and 15, Luke chapters 22 and 23, and John chapters 18 and 19........

Easter Sunday falls on March 31 2013 an celebrates the Resurrection of Jesus Christ.......
24 March Sunday Palm Sunday
25 March Monday Feast of The Annunciation of Our Lord to the Blessed Virgin Mary
25 March Monday Solemnity of the Annunciation of the Lord
28 March Thursday Maundy/Holy Thursday
29 March Friday Good Friday
30 March Saturday Holy Saturday
31 March Sunday Easter Sunday