Legal travel to Venezuela

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Steven Ramadar

Jun 22, 2014
Went Columbus bay today and on my way there at cedros I saw that you can use a boat (very small boat). Wanted to know if anyone tried long is the boat ride?...can I walk into Venezuela and walk around? What's the cost?
In all my years i have never heard about a ferry to Venezuela. And if we could really go, why is this not publicized though? I know only if you arrive on a cruise ship to a destination country then you are allowed to walk around freely but i don't know for small boats.
Forget legal is like 1hour to go there..I was going for the weekend yes!! It must be best than ddi
Guys, this is not a very safe route. In addition, Venezuela is not very safe at the moment. We have security advisers that provide information on a weekly basis as a guide to our operations. We have issued a travel restriction for our employees heading across. Avoid Venezuela if you can at this time.
I heard that alot of fishermen in the south fish in their waters and there were many encounters with pirates there. But for real , how this was not publicized like our other ferries? Do companies use this for business alone or open to the public?
Pier 1 usually had ferries to and from Venezuela on a weekly basis, the last I knew. There are also private boats you can hire to go as well as small plane services (all legal). Before leaving and upon entering (whether to/from T&T or V'zuela) you are thoroughly searched, all of your belongings are emptied out and thoroughly inspected (custom officers take what they want), dogs are brought out to sniff through all luggage for drugs and whatnot, you must fill out your relevant forms and prove that you have your immunization shots (especially yellow fever) or receive one on the boat. With your traveling papers you must state how many days you wish to stay and once you are cleared, you can walk around and go where you please.

I would not recommend going though, especially now as corruption is on the rise. The safest trip might probably be via plane directly to Caracas and booking a hotel as close as possible to the embassy but even then you're taking a huge risk. Going through illegal or questionable means would just be asking for all kinds of trouble.