Lazy Mps Gets Raise - Question To All Ministers

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Staff member
Jun 9, 2008
So we are in a recession and price of living in this country has gone sky high. The government says it is our fault and are now taxing us for everything. They are also telling us what to eat, what to drive, how we should live while the government ministers are enjoying all the benefits. Not once did we hear what you have to sacrifice to help this nation! What are you ministers doing? When last have you walked your consituencies ? When last you met with us to hear our issues and problems? We have to sacrifice when the government are taking our hard earn dollars for Tax, monies that some cry on and wish to have to buy things we desperately need. The rich will certainly be getting richer and the poor will remain where we are!

Ministers i want to know what are you doing so differently that you need a raise? I want to know how in this time of recession and economic downturn that your pay is increasing and ours are cut or decreasing ! I want to know how will this raise help our country, when some of us write to you and get no answers? I want to know how will this help the suffering and injustice in your communities? I want to know lastly HOW WILL THIS RAISE HELP ME?
Some very potent questioned asked there. I think mat this point in time they should NOT be getting a pay increase. That money can be allocated elsewhere.
Best thing right now is to become a politician yes. :D
I wonder who they trying to fool boy, the people just come to talk to them about their "ROLES' and "PORTFOLIOS" as being ministers and not about salaries. Wtf they taking we for fools or what.

What i want to know is why are all these ministers, both in government and opposition not paying taxes on their salary?
I wonder who they trying to fool boy, the people just come to talk to them about their "ROLES' and "PORTFOLIOS" as being ministers and not about salaries. Wtf they taking we for fools or what.

What i want to know is why are all these ministers, both in government and opposition not paying taxes on their salary?
Wait, they don't?
Nope they do not pay taxes on their salary, but we have to.
^^ being a politician is the way to tax breaks plus other perks cant go wrong :/