Latapy May Get Two More Years.

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Jun 9, 2008

Latapy to coach TT on two-year contract
By JOEL BAILEY Wednesday, March 3 2010

RUSSELL LATAPY has been retained as coach of the Trinidad and Tobago football team on a two-year deal, and his immediate task will be to ensure that the squad qualifies for the 2011 CONCACAF Gold Cup.

The 41-year-old will have Serbian-born Zoran Vranes as his assistant while David Muhammad stays as the team manager.

But the Trinidad and Tobago Football Federation (TTFF) technical director Lincoln “Tiger” Phillips has been given an additional mandate of working with the respective team coaches — Latapy and Vranes (who stays as Under-20 and Under-23 tactician) — in terms of the goalkeeping department.

These announcements were made at a media conference yesterday, which took place at the President’s Box, Queen’s Park Oval, Port-of-Spain.

The news was revealed by TTFF special advisor Jack Warner, who admitted that the national team, “have not really been active on the field of play since last November and one of the reasons is that obviously we didn’t qualify (for the 2010 FIFA World Cup in South Africa) and once you don’t qualify, apparently you have no funding.

“And once you have no funding, all of your aspiration, hopes and dreams remain crushed,” Warner added. “And therefore, for some time, we were in some abeyance.”

Warner said that Latapy “is free to choose his assistants, from here or abroad, within the constraints of our budget.”

Latapy’s experience as a coach has been queried by a number of local football fans.

“There are many of you who will begin to question ‘Why Latapy?’ and I will say to you ‘Why not Latapy?” Warner asked. “We did not give Latapy enough time with the team to as to really make his stamp on the football.”

The long-standing football administrator noted that, when Latapy took over, “We saw matches that the team played and we felt therefore that there is the possibility that, if properly coached and properly handled, that he can make a difference.

“We felt that we should give him another chance to perform and that was the unanimous decision of the committee (comprising Warner, Keith Look Loy and Richard Groden).”
follow the link for the whole story..

I think this is good, he's getting the time he needs to shape the team, not like before when it was pretty much thrust on him, we'll have to see what becomes of it.
Yeah I'am glad they gave him some time 2 build a team Iwish him all the best

Hopefully WCup 2014!
well good for him. i'm happy for him. Lets hope that he brings forward the younger generation of footballers to the national team. The guys did their best now its time for them to move on. Back in 2006, T&T had the oldest football team in Germany. 4 years later, its the same side? Just rediculous..
We just lost to Jamaica 1-0.

Latapy sound to me a bit sad. :| Anil Roberts already threaten his job lol I don't know half of our players anymore, i guess it's a good sign that new players are coming in.