Last White Male rhino

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This is just tragic. This merciless poaching has caused the people who are protecting him to remove his horn? I can imagine that if breeding is successful the poaching attempts may increase to get to the babies. I hope the security is enough! These animals deserve a free life just as much as any other and should not be wiped out by human greed.
Yea its sad to see the extremes we have to go through to protect animals who may have been on this planet longer than us and sad that human cant learn to stop and as the last male it have to be so protected because even in normal school we were all thought that with out a male the females cant give birth by themselves
females cannot *conceive* on their own you mean? lol

Too many animals are killed out senselessly. The world goes into outrage when people kill each other but we have become totally desensitized to animals being killed unnecessarily and entire species becoming endangered and eventually extinct due to human interventions. At least there are still good people out there willing to put themselves on the line to protect the few animals left, but it's sad that it has to come to that in the first place.
small ting lol would be quite amazing if both males and females had a shared birthing experience of their offspring though, I know some species where the female kills the male after conception or birth and some where the females try to eat the young and the males have to fight them off and care for the offspring on their own.
Yea lol spiders black widow hahahahaha but i he finds a mate and reproduce other white rhinos it will be truly sad to see another species become extinct and the younger generation has not witnessed and can only read about them in books
Quite true. Should these organizations keep successful breeding from the press to cut down on the wrong people (eg. poachers) getting the information? Though understandably they will need more funding in that situation and people will want to know why.....I wish animal protection was as much a priority for governments worldwide as politician housing and monumental flags. With that kind of money directed at these causes things would be a lot better off. Now it's just a matter of hoping that more people will help from afar and less people/no one will seek to harm these animals.