Lake Covered With Oil - Public Awareness Only When Something Happens!

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Aug 17, 2016
Still wondering about our Fish and if they are healthy to eat?
Still wondering why our water from WASA has the occasional oil feeling in it?
These money making giants are only concerned with milking the country dry of resources while the government could not care less.

We the citizens are only aware of scenarios like this when something happens and it makes one of the news. It goes to show that things like this are always in existence, we are just ignorant to it.

NEWS ARTICLE - Posted: October 21, 2016

Petrotrin begins clean up in Vance River after child falls into lake of oil

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Petrotrin says clean up work in the Vance River community in La Brea is expected to be completed soon and remedial works have been recommended.

This after a four-year-old boy in the area fell into a river and was covered with oil.

In a release, Petrotrin said the oil in the shallow water course seems to be related to an abandoned well.

"One of the access routes to the community is via a makeshift concrete bridge that straddles the watercourse. On Wednesday, 2016 October 19, a four-year-old child slipped off the makeshift bridge into the shallow watercourse. The child was seen by a doctor at Petrotrin’s Medical Centre in Point Fortin and then transferred via Company ambulance to Augustus Long Hospital, at Pointe-a-Pierre for monitoring. Later that day the child was discharged and returned home. The Company continues to monitor and provide follow-up care to the family," Petrotrin assured.

The child, Caleb Hart, of Fitz Lane, Vance River, fell into the river on Wednesday while trying to cross a bridge to go to school.

Residents said they had complained to Petrotrin before about the oil leak and the fumes that are negatively affecting residents in the area.
Four-year-old schoolboy falls into oil-polluted river


A four-year-old schoolboy tumbled into the oil-polluted Vance River earlier this week, triggering a protest that led to Energy Minister Nicole Olivierre ordering Petrotrin to clean up the river immediately.

Kaleb Hart's aunt, Susan Jerome, said the child was on his way to preschool on Wednesday when he slipped on oil which covered a concrete bridge constructed by residents.

He was smeared from the neck down.

Jerome said: “The oil covered him. He went to Augustus Long (hospital) and they discharged him. But the child sick and he have swelling on his body. We have to use this bridge that has oil on it and all (Petrotrin) doing is throwing sand on it.”

The response by Petrotrin did not sit well with residents of Fritz Lane and Smith Street, who blocked the roads and burned debris.

They said in September, another boy fell into the river of oil and fell ill.

Jerome said the child's skin was covered in a rash and swollen, and that residents were seeking medical coverage from Petrotrin and wanted the company to compensate them.

“It hasn't been two months since we brought the school books and uniforms and bags for these children. Every day they have to cross the bridge and they messing up their school clothes. What Petrotrin will do for us then? We work hard to buy these things and we want back the money for it. They supposed to be cleaning these things and not just dumping sand on it,” she said.

Resident Natasha Mitchell said her family has been seriously affected by the stench.

She said: “We feeling sick, nauseous and one of my children eyes swelling, two others suffering with asthma and no one is helping us.”

Local Government councillor for Brighton/Vessigny Gerald Debesette met with the protestors to hear their concerns.

La Brea Member of Parliament Nicole Olivierre said Petrotrin has been engaged in clean-up operations.

She said: “Information about the oil spill in the river at Vance River became known when a child slipped off a bridge and fell into the oil contaminated waters. The child was taken to the hospital, treated and discharged. Petrotrin has subsequently engaged a contractor to effect clean-up operations. Members of the community were offered employment by the contractor to assist in the clean-up...and Petrotrin maintains contact with the injured child to ensure no additional symptoms are presented.”