Lady Driven?

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Jun 9, 2008
Some ads that i see on the papers or net has "Lady Driven" highlighted on it ... I have never seen " Mechanic owned" "Gentleman Driven" "Teenager Driven" etc. etc.

What is it supposed to mean, that women take extra special care of their cars and kept in good condition? That's Bullcr*p!

Some of the women i know manhandle their cars like crazy ...Most girls the interior has alot of garbage, lipstick stains etc. etc. The exterior and all has scrapes. I don't see why this will affect how a person buys a vehicle..Most of them cannot even remember the date of doing a service or oil change.
Actually, to be honest, its a warning sign to potential buyers as far as I know. There's a 50% chance that they actually know their car and can have it properly maintained or as u said its been properly manhandled and in a bad state
Actually, I think its just that the general perception about this is that women drivers don't rough up cars. So putting 'lady driven' within the details of any car for purchase increases the likelihood of a sale of a vehicle.
As I said, it is a perception and I tend to sway towards it myself. Generally it's the men who 'rough up' their cars.
I agree with anthonermorris most of the time the vehicle will not be properly maintained because they may not know when something is wrong with it. On the other hand people do put female driven as a sale pitch to get an increase of a possible sale.
A sales pitch? Highly unlikely. I bought a lady driven car. Unfortunately it looked good and drove good for a short while before every problem showed one after the next. Now I've learned from that mistake. Make sure if u buying a lady driven vehicle to use our guide first. Then hope that her significant other is a car guy and he maintains it like his own. If you can't get that great combo, at least make sure she knows about her own ride other than to put gas and drive. If not, that lady driven car gonna drive u up a wall
That's what i am saying...I don't think i will ever buy a lady driven car again and i'm a lady LOL. My VW transmission kicked the bucket less than 8 months after buying it , a/c problems and interior sucks.. Hoping to buy a foreign used after ..i really cannot take the headache of looking though locally own cars to find the right one :/
I think lady driven cars are used as a positive selling point. Do consider the fact that women also receive female driver discounts when seeking car insurance, not men, and there are foreign insurance companies that will specifically insure women only. The worst kept cars I've ever seen have been kept by guys so don't come down on lady drivers in general please. If a person is knowledgeable about cars, whether male or female, they will be more apt to maintain their vehicle accordingly. If a driver does not know about these things, whether male or female, their car will be more likely to have issues and be kept poorly.
Nah Shadow these people have a point. A lot of women allow shady mechs and other uneducated people deal with their vehicles. Plenty women do rough up their vehicles like crazy and in those cases there's tons of dents and scrapes even when its a new car.

Also I dont think a filthy car is gender wise, I know more men than women that does wash their cars only once every 4-6 months. Then again I know women who appear to never have cleaned their interiors.

You can argue the insurance discounts and what not but do we actually know how many people make claims for minor-moderate damages to their vehicle?
Then you can get into the how many people actually have real insurance these days as well locally.

In other words the term cannot be used as a sales pitch any longer. I think it's an old time advertising line back when people used to drive better.
I disagree and think this is sexist. That's like saying all men are dangerous and aggressive based on major damaging accidents and crime stats. While it may appear so for the majority depending on your experiences and perspective, it is not concrete and should not be stereotyped for all IMO. I'm not asking for women to get off easy; I do not discriminate against male drivers and vehicle owners and I wish that went equally for both genders.

Every male person I've ever lived near usually had their wives, daughters, or girlfriends cleaning their cars. For people on the outside, it looked as though they themselves were carefully maintaining their vehicles. Many men I know borrow their wives, daughters, or girlfriends' cars and rough them up because they accuse the women of "babying" them too much or do not want to risk dirtying or damaging their own vehicles. I know men who have been scammed by shady mechanics and dealers just as frequently as women (unintentionally: I don't believe anyone signs up to let themselves be scammed). I know men who do not wash their vehicle unless they are selling it, or push come to shove, will only wash it once a year or two. I know men who are afraid to admit that they don't know much about vehicle maintenance because these stereotypes are pushed so much they feel ashamed for not knowing when the fact of the matter is, whether a driver is male or female, they will learn when they have an opportunity to do so eg. a relative or friend to show them the ropes, legit mechanics etc. and not everyone has such opportunities available. I know men who will admit to once driving in the same manner they see some female & male drivers driving because they too, were once unfamiliar with the roads and the vehicles and afraid. Both men and women are human and are capable of many of the same faults. When it comes to vehicle owning, driving, and maintaining I think it can go either way with each person you meet.

I don't understand why this has to be stereotyped. I would not hold a "lady driven" vehicle any higher or lower than a vehicle without that claim. When you see the car and get the details yourself then you can make accurate judgments.
Ask people who buy/sell or change frequently. You will get their perspective on the lady drive bonus.

I understand where you're coming from though, I agree it really shouldn't mean anything.

However I know it to be a traditional thing to put Lady Driven as it used to mean a vehicle was well kept and in decent condition.
I went to see one lady driven car for sale some years ago and while it was in the process of needing some work and not too great appearance wise, the owner's husband revealed during the test drive that he was actually the only one maintaining the vehicle and the woman just used it to drop their kids to and from school and washed it on weekends. The stereotype there would have been incorrect as the responsibility for the repairs and work being done on the car and appearance was not the fault of the lady driver, but of her male spouse. Yet if this info was not divulged, no one would have known and would have contributed this to a negative "lay driven" car experience.

I don't think my family sought out lady driven vehicles but they did have many issues with used vehicles regardless of what gender it was sold by (mostly if not entirely by male drivers). So I'd still say it can go either way. I wouldn't automatically assume that male drivers kept their cars better nor would I give lady drivers a greater benefit of the doubt. Both men and women are capable of accidents, being scammed, and lying or covering up car trouble when making sales. We may remember the women who do this when we see the term "lady driven" but there is no stereotypical phrase that comes to mind when men do the same (as far as I know).
I meant "lady driven" there. Don't eat and type lol
Yup some people say lady driven as a ploy to think the car doesn't get 'rough up'. I wonder if people started saying male driven if anyone would be interested lol
I think many will follow the "aggressive male" stereotype with driving too. Lady drivers are popularly thought of as being afraid to drive and not knowing about cars etc so it may stick more with people when they see a "lady driven" car in a sorry state. If "male drivers" were used I would still not use that as a guarantee because some male drivers may be totally on point with their vehicles, some may interfere and do stupidness mechanics wise an sell it without mentioning what they messed up, some may scam or rip you off, some may treat their normal vehicles like off roaders, some may evidently baby their cars, etc. But same for women.
i think nowadays everything should be equal. Men and women are now capable of manhandling or well-treating their cars so you cannot judge either but do a thorough check to see if everyting in the car is okay.
i think nowadays everything should be equal. Men and women are now capable of manhandling or well-treating their cars so you cannot judge either but do a thorough check to see if everyting in the car is okay.

Well said!
So we cannot think Lady Drivers are like this no more lol


Why not like this?

Why not like this?


Out of the masses of girls I meet daily even in parts places, its difficult to actually find one who knows a little. I always remember going to a few parts places looking for an under bonnet fuel filter for a 2.7l gasoline Hilux and all of them just watching me like I stupid... Really and truly it shouldn't include gender but in the majority of places I've gone looking for parts or otherwise, its been the men most of the time to find a solution with a few exceptions from women.