
A labourer has appeared before a Sangre Grande magistrate charged with the murder of Kerron Marshall.
Zion Pedro, 19, a labourer, of Freeman Road, St Augustine, is also charged with possession of firearm and possession of ammunition.
Pedro appeared before Magistrate Cheron Raphael in the Sangre Grande Magistrates’ Court yesterday to answer charges of murdering Marshall on May 27, 2018.
Marshall, also known as “Mandela”, 33, a fisherman, of Rampanalgas Village, Balandra, was at a house in the district when three masked men entered and fired several shots at him, before escaping into some nearby bushes.
The victim sustained gunshot wounds about the body and died at the scene.
Pedro was subsequently arrested on July 31.
Investigations were supervised by Inspectors Shaun Craig and Andrea Lawrence of Homicide Bureau of Investigations (HBI) Region 2, while Pedro was charged by PC Ronnie Gonzales, also of HBI Region 2 yesterday following advice received from Deputy Director of Public Prosecutions Joan Honore-Paul on Tuesday.
Pedro was remanded to reappear in court on September 5.