Korean Schols For T&t Students


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Two Trinidadian students have been awarded scholarships by the Korean government.

In a release, the Embassy of the Republic of Korea here in T&T announced that the students, Marianne Chang and Shawnella Chaitan, had been awarded the scholarships by the National Institute for International Education (NIIED) to pursue Master’s Degree programmes in Korea.

NIIED scholarship awardees are chosen on the basis of academic merit and the full cost of their study for three (3) years is covered by the scholarships.

The NIIED offers the Korean Government Scholarship Program (KGSP) to foreign students who wish to further their studies in Korea. Thus far, the NIIED has offered the KGSP to students of T&T at the Bachelor’s, Master’s and PhD Levels since 2013, the release added.

Chang was chosen to pursue a Master’s Degree in Bioengineering at the Seoul National University with an additional one (1) year allocated for Korean Language Programme at Sunmoon University.

Chaitan was meanwhile chosen to pursue a two-year Master’s Degree in Genetic Engineering at Kyung Hee University with an additional one year or a Korean Language Programme at Chonnam National University.

The goods news was shared to Chang and Chaitan as they visited the embassy’s St Clair, Port-of-Spain headquarters last week. Ambassador Moonup Sung congratulated the recipients on his country’s behalf.

The Embassy said the KGSP offers a great opportunity for the exchange of young scholars between T&T and the Republic of Korea, adding it will contribute to the strengthening of future cooperation and fruitful exchanges between the two countries in the years to come.

Persons seeking further information on the Korean Government Scholarship Programme can send enquiries to koremb.tt@gmail.com.