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Jun 9, 2008
Watch what you are drinking: Battery Facts

What are energy drinks?

As the name suggests, there is a great deal of energy in energy drinks. They often ontain various stimulants and vitamins. They enhance and maintain physical performance, even under severe conditions. Originally developed in the Far East, energy drinks have spread all over the world and are particularly popular in Europe.

For whom are energy drinks made?

All healthy adults who occasionally feel that they need more energy during their working hours or leisure time. For example, Battery is excellently suited for persons working long days or shift work, professional drivers, athletes and of course party-goers.

What is the difference between energy drinks and sports drinks?
Energy drinks are used for their immediately stimulating effect, while sports drinks replace the body's fluids during or after demanding physical exertion. Sports drinks also often contain salts that replenish those lost through perspiration.

What is the stimulating effect in Battery?
Battery has about 50% more energy than conventional soft drinks. It contains guarana, taurine, caffeine, quick-acting and long-term sugars and B-vitamins. As a result of the combined effect of these stimulants, Battery provides energy when it is needed.

What is the taurine in Battery?
The stimulant taurine in Battery is a synthetic amino acid. It is believed to improve such factors as reaction time and the development of the nervous system. People initially get taurine in their mother's milk.

Why the guarana?
Because guarana is an effective natural stimulant, it is excellently suitable as an ingredient in energy drinks. Brazilian indians used it to keep alert on their hunting trips centuries ago.

How many cans of Battery can you drink per day?
A litre of Battery contains 320 mg of caffeine. (For comparison, a cup of medium-strong northern European coffee contains 80- 100 mg of caffeine.) The recommended dose is a maximum of three cans per day.

Who should not drink Battery?
Battery in large quantities is not recommended for children, persons sensitive to caffeine or expectant mothers because the combined effects of the stimulants it contains can be surprisingly strong. Because of the sugar it contains, Battery is not recommended
for diabetics.

Mackeson is a full-bodied milk stout that is “not too sweet and not too bitter,” with alc/vol: 4.9%.

It has strong and distinctive values that appeals to a multi-ethnic society, communicating energy, stamina, masculinity, smoothness and session ability.

It is primarily directed to young adult males who are fitness-conscious and enjoys socializing, (Generation Next).

The brand promises to identify with the strength and confidence of the consumer and take him to the “max” in various aspects of his life - delivering satisfaction, energy and pleasure (3 times the pleasure).

Its distinctive red, black and silver branding on all packaging signals the strength, power and masculinity of the brand. Mackeson – “Takes you to the Max.”
Physical Taste Profile

Stag is an European style lager. It is a pale golden straw colour with a rich head formation. It is a light-bodied beer brewed with sugar as an adjunct. Stag has a dry finish, which results in a crisp flavour, clean finish and very little aftertaste. Aroma tends to drift towards fermented ester fruitiness, with a gentle yet assertive hop bitterness. Diacetyl should not be perceived.

Original Gravity 11.5 - 11.9°P
Alcohol by Volume: 5.4 - 5.9%
Bitterness 16.0 - 7.5 EBU
Colour 5.5 - 7.5 EBC
Calorific value 120kcal/275ml
Royal Extra - Get Extra."

- Pilsner Malt
- Black Malt
- Caramel
- Hops

Prime Granulated sugar, lactose, and caramel.

Black malt involves roasting the malted barley at temperatures so high that they drive off all of the aromatics (malt flavour). There are no enzymes in black malt. It can convey a dry burnt flavour that can be perceived as bitterness different from that derived from hops.

Caramel is used in brewing as a flavour and/or colouring agent. It can be used either in the kettle or in primings.

Lactose is sugar produced from the whey of milk.

A similar brewing process to lagers with the use of lager yeast is used in the production of Royal Extra Stout. Fermentation time is much shorter than lagers, and takes place at a higher temperature. Finings traditionally composed of isinglass (fish bladder protein) are designed for yeast removal used during conditioning (storage) prior to filtration. It is also gives the aphrodisiac connotation.


Ingredients: Sugar, Lactose, BAP and Caramel
Priming sugar solution is added directly to the beer during filtration.

Physical Taste Profile
Royal Extra Stout is famed for being sweet and full bodied. It is invariable rich and mouth filling because it is quite high in un-fermentables. Hop bitterness is low.

The beer is extra dark/black opaque with thick creamy foam that laces the glass as it is consumed.

The "clean label" policy applies i.e. no additives that have to be declared are used.


Original Gravity: 16.2 - 16.5°P
Apparent Extract: 3.4 - 3.60°P
Alcohol by Volume: 7.0-7.4%
Ph: 3.8 - 4.0
Colour: 240 - 280 EBC
Bitterness: 8-20 EBU
CO2: 2.60 - 3.0% by volume
Calorific value: 201kcal/275ml
Physical Taste Profile-CARLSBERG

Carlsberg, is an all Malt Premium European-Style Lager. It has fruity esters and a malty accent. Hop aroma and flavour are moderate and quite obviuos. It is a well attenuated, medium-bodied mouth feel beer. Diacetyl should not be perceived. Its head (foam) should be dense and rich.

Original Gravity ( °Plato) 10.94 - 11.34°P
Alcohol by Volume: 4.75 - 5.25%
Bitterness (BU) 18 - 22
Colour 6 - 8 EBC
Calorific value 120kcal/275ml
Physical Taste Profile-CARIB

Carib is a lager of European origin. It is a pale golden straw colour with a rich head formation. It is slightly aromatic, with a neutral balance between malt and hops, sweet and bitter. Medium-bodied mouth-feel leads directly to a semi-dry finish with only a hint of bitterness. No accented hop or malt character. Refreshing drinkability for a parched and thirsty palate. Diacetyl should not be perceived. Carib is brewed using sugar as an adjunct. The "clean label" policy applies i.e., no additives that have to be declared.

Original Gravity 11.6 - 11.9°P
Alcohol by Volume: 5.1-5.4%
Bitterness (BU) 14-16
Colour 5.5 - 7.5 EBC
Calorific value 120kcal/275ml