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Aryan Cryus

New Member
Oct 13, 2008
going to work and then to schoolis HARD!!!!!! FUCK!!!!! SHIT!!!!! ahhhh that felt good What about you?
work then school is the WORST-EST....

i did it 4 a while . mon - fri 5-9 then sat 9-12 ... lord pressure .... thank god i done now
WTF allyuh talkin bout???
True i don't understand this topic lol Mind to elaborate
Oh Oh ok
well i hate the fucking crime situation in this fucking country

well i had a horrible f*cking vacation.......Went tobago on friday with my sister and my big cousin and 6 of their children....for sum reason they feel they needed to carry the whole house so we ened up with 9 HEAVY bags in all to of my cousin's daughters got sick really bad on the first day and forced us to stay inside from the first day to take care of her. From then I was constantly chasing down children which is quite a task. On Sunday my big cousin slipped and fell and broke her leg....So Sunday and Monday it was just me and my sister taking care of 6 FUUKKING children. This time we had to come back with bags.....and somehow we managed to pick up one extra bag on the way back. I am currently back in Trinidad in pain and feeling to dead.

Worst part about this weekend is that I wasted my time and money in FUKKIN tobago wen i cudda be with my baby in d FACKIN concert saturday nite...

O did i mention that I still have to wash mudda kunt school clothes tonight?

i need some drugs
HHAHAHAHAH soome some week it might help lol thats some stress their bro lol more thing...

well this weekend i was to go zen then i got bad vibes and stayed at home and on saturday current went for hours and i was home all alone and on sunday i dressed up really nice and went no where. that was my weekend disappointments. :icon_sad:
EmpireKing said: more thing...


you just may regeret those words later in life ....
I hate it when other workers stay home and i have to do extra work and not get pay for it :icon_mad:
I HATE WHEN RYAN GOES TO LIME.............................I Miss Him So Much :icon_redface:
You know when pressure and pain are suffocating your soul and you got noone to share it with... noone to alieviate it.. I love that feeling.. keeps me up at night.. makes me smile in my sleep.. sigh. Makes stuff feel right.. oh hell I'm a creep.
Went to Jaffa's Resturant for lunch which was a work thing.... but the drinks was so poor...i order vodka and orange juice and it taste more like jus orange juice....oh my i got a joke to share!!!!

At the same venue i told my coworker to order a screwdriver for me thing i see the waiter guy coming to me to find out what exactly i wanted.. so i told him and he said they (co worker & him) had a misunderstanding... so when she came back i ask her what happened..and she said that she ask the man for a screww driver a flat head or round head screw driver ( d tool) it so funny lol